Home » Health » Dengue Fever Cases Reach 40 in Lamongan in Early 2024: Prevention Measures Urged

Dengue Fever Cases Reach 40 in Lamongan in Early 2024: Prevention Measures Urged

LAMONGAN, Lamongan Radar – The spread of dengue fever (DB) during the two months in early 2024 reached 40 cases. In detail, 21 cases were discovered in January and 19 cases in February.

Head of Disease Prevention and Control at the Lamongan Health Service, Dr. Mafidhatul Laely, said that even though there were no cases of death, DB still had to be watched out for. Moreover, the intensity of rain this month is predicted to still be high. At the beginning of this month, there were two cases of DB discovered.

According to him, mosquitoes easily breed in dirty and damp locations. “We still have to be vigilant because many cases are found in children aged 10-14 years,” he said.

Fidha explained that the cycle for finding the most cases of DB is usually between January and April. Prevention is done by maintaining a clean environment and maintaining adequate diet and rest.

Also Read: Beware of DB Disease Coming!

For sufferers, he continued, an epidemiological investigation (EP) can be carried out by tracing the sufferer’s background, diagnosis, place of residence and travel history. “This mosquito’s habitat is also found in clean puddles, so we must be active in draining bathtubs and reducing the use of useless cans at home,” he explained.

Characteristics of someone suffering from dengue fever include a high fever of 40 degrees Celsius accompanied by nausea, muscle aches and headaches.

According to him, in 2022 there will be 416 DB cases recorded. Last year there were 193 cases of DB. Fidha hopes that there will be fewer dengue cases this year and no deaths. “Cumulatively the cases are falling but they must be prevented so that they don’t explode,” he said. (rka/that)

2024-03-09 10:00:00
#Months #Cases #Lamongan #Radar #Bojonegoro

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