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Dengue Fever Cases on the Rise in Pasuruan Regency, Acting Governor Urges Public Awareness

BANGIL, Radar Bromo – Cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Pasuruan Regency are increasing.

The public is asked to be aware of the risk of diseases caused by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

Acting Governor Pasuruan Andriyanto invited the entire community to raise awareness about the dangers of dengue fever.

Read also: The threat of dengue fever is becoming increasingly worrying, at the beginning of the year 30 cases were found in Pasuruan Town

Of note, a spike in cases has occurred again. In the last four months, 117 cases were registered. This number even reached half of the total cases last year.

“From the data I received, from January to April, there were 117 cases. At the same time, in 2023, there were a total of 251 cases. This means that almost half of the cases total for last year,” Andriyanto said.

Currently, dengue fever cases are evenly distributed across 24 sub-districts in Pasuruan Regency. The highest number of cases occurred in Beji District with 15 cases, Prigen 14 cases, and Pandaan 9 cases.

Read also: An attack of Dengue fever kills several residents in Pasuruan Regency

What worries the situation is that in the last four months, there have been 4 deaths due to dengue fever. Unfortunately, it all happens to children.

For this reason, Andriyanto emphasized the importance of raising awareness of dengue fever.

He invited people to start by cleaning their homes and the surrounding environment.

“Like it or not, awareness about the dangers of dengue fever must be increased. We start from our own home, then in the environment around which we live,” he said.

2024-05-06 02:40:00
#DHF #increasingly #threat #children #died #Pasuruan #Regency #Radar #Bromo

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