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Dengue Fever Cases in South Kalimantan Spike: 2 Deaths Reported

BANJARMASIN, Kalimantanpost.com –
Of the 251 cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in South Kalimantan, two patients died.

The number of dengue fever in South Kalimantan in early 2024 increased significantly compared to early 2023, when there were 80 cases recorded.

According to data from the South Kalimantan Provincial Health Service on January 19 2024, there were 73 cases of dengue fever in Banjarbaru City, Tapin (70 cases), Balangan (70 cases), Hulu Sungai Tengah (22 cases), and Hulu Sungai Selatan (16 cases).

The South Kalimantan Provincial Health Office has asked regional governments (Pemda) in 13 districts and cities in the region to increase their vigilance in facing the increased risk of dengue fever transmission during the rainy season.

“We urge districts/cities to be more vigilant because there have been 251 cases of dengue fever in South Kalimantan, two patients have died,” said Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the South Kalimantan Provincial Health Service Anhar Ihwan in Banjarmasin, Friday (19/1/ 2024).

He said that efforts to eradicate mosquito nests with the 3M movement were the main step in preventing the transmission of dengue fever.

DHF occurs due to infection with the dengue virus, which is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes aigypti mosquito.

“The 3M movement is the main preventive measure, so it must be carried out continuously and simultaneously to stop the transmission of dengue fever,” said Anhar.

The 3M movement includes activities to drain and close water reservoirs as well as bury or recycle used items that can hold water and become mosquito breeding sites.

Anhar also conveyed the importance of increasing residents’ understanding of the symptoms of dengue fever so that dengue sufferers can immediately receive appropriate treatment. (Ant/KPO-3)

2024-01-20 02:11:03
#DHF #Cases #South #Kalimantan #Health #Department #Asks #Local #Government #Increase #Vigilance

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