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Demonstrations – Freiburg im Breisgau – Corona policy opponents: protests in Reutlingen and Freiburg – politics

Reutlingen (dpa / lsw) – Opponents of the Corona rules took to the streets again on Saturday in Baden-Württemberg. According to a dpa reporter, several thousand people moved through downtown Reutlingen. A police spokesman initially gave no information on the number of participants. The demonstrators opposed general corona vaccination. They expressed their displeasure with the existing restrictions on posters and banners. One banner read: “#I don’t do it.” Another read: “Indomitable. Up until now you have vaccinated Romans, now only Gauls remain.”

The demo participants sang, whistled whistles and also had drums to make noise. The police were deployed in large numbers, including officers from the cavalry squadron.

According to the city of Reutlingen, a meeting with 7,000 participants was registered. On Saturday a week ago there was a lift through the city center with around 7,500 people, according to the police. Several criminal proceedings were initiated, including for insulting officials – and because police officers were approached or threatened in the area of ​​the speaker’s platform.

According to the police, around 4,500 opponents of the corona measures marched through the city center in Freiburg on Saturday. There were individual violations of the obligation to wear a protective mask.

It remained quiet around the home of Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) in Sigmaringen until Saturday evening, according to a police spokesman. The district office had banned further meetings there. In a general decree on Thursday, so-called walks and rallies in the streets around the Green politician’s private home were prohibited. The regulation should initially apply until March 15th. Opponents of the Corona policy had protested for two days in a row in the immediate vicinity of Kretschmann’s house in the Laiz district.

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