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Demonstrations – Frankfurt am Main – “Hands off Ukraine”: Demonstration in Frankfurt – politics

Demonstrations – Frankfurt am Main:“Hands off Ukraine”: Demonstration in Frankfurt

Participants in a rally at the Paulskirche protest against the Russian government’s Ukraine policy. Photo: Boris Roessler/dpa (Photo: dpa)

Directly from the dpa news channel

Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – On Tuesday evening in Frankfurt, around 250 people drew attention to the impending danger of war in Ukraine with a vigil on Paulsplatz. Some demonstrators were dressed in the Ukrainian colors of yellow and blue, while others carried signs reading “Hands off Ukraine”. Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Volt, the district associations of the CDU, SPD and FDP and the Europa-Union called for the vigil.

With the recognition of the self-proclaimed People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine and the announcement that Russian troops would be sent to these areas, a new level of escalation had been reached, the call for the vigil said. The Russian threat is a “challenge for democracy and our free model of society”.

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