Two snakes. That during this warm March afternoon they will unite. Separate, but equally convinced that, in 2023, the fascist danger still exists. Today in Florence there will be a demonstration against “the attack by the squad against the students of the Michelangiolo high school”. The first procession, the official one, was organized by the trade unions. And it will see the participation of Elly Schlein and Giuseppe Conte. It will be the first time for the new secretary of the Democratic Party.
A non-random choice, that of the native of Lugano. A clear, clear and indisputable way to outline a political transition between before and after. The Democratic Party will move to the left, to maximalist positions. What better occasion to reiterate one of the most consolidated mantras of progressives in an Italian sauce. “The fascist danger”, a bogeyman to shake in an attempt to bring back the thousands of voters who, in the last regional elections, deserted the polls. Enrico Letta had also tried it, in the last political elections in September, with far from appreciable results. Elly Schlein is evidently convinced that it is enough to change some ingredients to make the (same) recipe attractive again.
Specifically, this afternoon’s demonstration is organized by numerous trade unions, CGIL, CISL and UIL, united to condemn the brawl of last February 18, in front of the Michelangiolo classical high school. A vulgar and despicable fistfight in the middle of the street, between a group of six activists from Student Action and as many teenagers from the Collectives of the Left. A stupid gesture, which is constantly ridden and exploited by the grandchildren of Carlo Marx. Ready, despite the evidence of the images, video footage and testimonies, to brand it as “a fascist aggression”.
An occasion, that of Saturday, during which the left will pay homage to the principal of Leonardo da Vinci, Annalisa Savino, who in an open letter had confused fascism with the defense of one’s national borders. An executive who, in the recent past, had presented herself in the primaries of the Democratic Party and, according to the well-informed, is ready to enter Palazzo Vecchio in 2024.

At the same time there will also be a procession organized by the Cpa, the social center which has been illegally occupied for over twenty years. The fear of the Florentines is precisely that the most violent anarchist fringes may be hiding in that segment. Those who, to be clear, ask for the end of the 41 bis for Alfredo Cospito and consider the Red Brigades as a group of common and respectable political activists.