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Demonstration of the Extinction Rébellion collective in Brussels: 60 administrative arrests

This Saturday, June 27, a dozen members of the Extinction Rébellion collective led a civil disobedience action. “We are at a turning point in history”said Pauline, spokeswoman for the movement.

In several strategic places in the center of Brussels, the Bourse at 3 p.m. and the rue Neuve at 4 p.m., the activists froze in public space for about 5 minutes. “It represents the idea of ​​taking a break and thinking about what should be put in place so that our societies are more resilient for current and future crises”, commented the spokesperson.

“The coronavirus like any crisis is an opportunity to question the way the system works. For us, it is an opportunity because there are changes. It is time to think differently”, added member Robin of Extinction Rebellion for a year and a half.

The activists held placards with red markings on what they wished to see disappear and in green what they wished to see preserved and protected. Din Nicolas’ hand, a green sign with what to strengthen and improve. “Above all, equal access to justice, food, a decent roof and the preservation of living species, added the member. Because we are part of an ecosystem and without this ecosystem, we are entitled to the loss of humanity. “

The Covid-19 crisis is not an isolated phenomenon. Other crises are underway, economic, health, ecological, social, political, continues the spokesperson. Chow to prepare? How to be resilient? How to be able to adapt to that best without leaving anyone behind. “

The gathering was not authorized by the police. And the demonstration which had, at first,erected in peace in the center of Brussels, took another turn at the end of the afternoon when the activists decided to take the direction of the rue de la Loi to try to rename the Tour des Finances as “Resilience Tower”.

The actions carried out earlier in the afternoon had taken place without incident, both at the Stock Exchange and on Rue Neuve, where the activists had frozen for five minutes while displaying their signs. The demonstration was to end at the foot of the Tour des Finances, whose the letters comprising the word ‘Finance’ had been removed earlier in the week to replace them with the word ‘Resilience’ this Saturday.

Each letter composing this term corresponds to a movement supported by Extinction Rebellion. The letter ‘R’ thus symbolizes all the groups which suffer from structural racism in society, the ‘S’ represents the arts sector. The other letters represent the Yellow Vests, ecological and social movements as well as the health care sector.

The police, however, did not authorize the affixing of new letters on the facade of the building and prevented the demonstrators from then going to rue de la Loi. A few dozen activists retained by the police on Boulevard Pacheco ended up having to declare their identity and leave their protest material, then leave. A majority of protesters complied with police orders.

Those who refused to leave – around sixty people – were arrested. They will be able to find freedom during the evening.

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