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demonstration in support of the Iranian and Kurdish peoples

REPORT – A hundred people gathered on Saturday 7 January 2023, rue Félix-Poulat, in Grenoble, in solidarity with the Iranian and Kurdish peoples, at the invitation of the Iranian community of Grenoble and the Association of Kurdish friends of Iséroise (Aiak) . A demonstration intended to support the ongoing uprising in Iran and to pay tribute to the Kurdish militants murdered in Paris, in 2013 and on December 23, 2022.

Two different contexts but the same ferocious repression and, according to them, the same passivity of the French government vis-à-vis Tehran and Ankara. It is to support both the Iranian and the Kurdish people that a hundred people gathered this Saturday, January 7, 2023, in rue Félix-Poulat, at the call of the Iranian community of Grenoble and the Iséroise Association of Friends of the Kurds (Hey). Among the demonstrators present, activists from the Movement for Peace and the NPA, but also the deputies of Grenoble Emmanuel Carroz and Alan Confesson.

A hundred people gathered on Saturday 7 January 2023, rue Félix-Poulat, in Grenoble, in solidarity with the protest in Iran and the Kurdish activists murdered in Paris. © Manuel Pavard – Gre’net Square

The watchwords? On one side ; solidarity with the protest movement in Iran and demand for justice for the victims of flight PS 752, three years after the crash, on January 8, 2020, of the Boeing 737 shot down by Iranian missiles. On the other, the tribute to the Kurdish militants murdered in Paris, ten years later, in January 2013 et December 23, 2022. Crimes behind which Aiak sees Turkey’s hand.

Between 14 and 30 Iranian protesters sentenced to death

At the foot of the steps of the Saint-Louis church, the organizers therefore evoked these different events in turn. In between speeches, the crowd sang the three words ” women, life, freedom “, which became the mobilization slogan of the uprising in Iran. From on September 16, the death of student Jina Mahsa Amini – Iranian Kurds – arrested by the morality police for not having “veiled enough”, thousands of Iranian women and young people parade daily in the main cities of the country.

Grenoble: demonstration in support of the Iranian and Kurdish peoples

On the steps of the church, posters denounced the death sentences by hanging and the arrests of protesters, while the Iranian flag displayed the slogan “Women, life, freedom” of the uprising in Iran. © Manuel Pavard – Gre’net Square

Protesters are calling for an end to the compulsory veil and, more generally, for the overthrow of the Islamic regime. But the repression is brutal. Between 14,000 and 19,000 people were thus arrested – then often tortured – following the demonstrations. Worse, ” at least 30 protesters were sentenced to death “, according to the organizers of the Grenoble rally, evoking other sources 14 sentenced to death. Of these, four were executed, including two this Saturdayhanging himself.

Grenoble: demonstration in support of the Iranian and Kurdish peoples

Protesters in Grenoble showed the faces of Iranian youths arbitrarily imprisoned or executed. © Manuel Pavard – Gre’net Square

The Iranian diaspora anxiously follows him, both in solidarity with the insurgents and concerned for their relatives back home. This is the case of Zoya, Iranian and Grenoblean by adoption, exiled in France for 33 years. ” The internet is down, so the relationship is very difficult, but we are still in touch “, she says. ” A 22-year-old boy from my family, winner of the Mathematics Olympiad, was arrested three years ago, and a few days ago his father was arrested. »

« We feel helpless, distant and even a little guilty for having a comfortable situation while being imprisoned or killed. »

For Zoya, these events are ” very difficult to live remotely. We feel helpless, distant and even a little guilty for having a comfortable situation while they are imprisoned or killed “, explains. Since the beginning of the revolt you have taken part in all the solidarity demonstrations organized in Grenoble. A mobilization important “, in your opinion, ” because it is not forgotten. Because as soon as we stop talking about something, it’s like it’s gone. »

Grenoble: demonstration in support of the Iranian and Kurdish peoples

Women are at the center of the protest movement in Iran, which calls for an end to the compulsory veil. © Manuel Pavard – Gre’net Square

But the other objective is to invite the governments of Western countries – especially France – to react. ” Simple condemnation of Iran and simple solidarity with the Iranian people are not enough » says Zoya. ” He is asked to fire Iranian ambassadors, to declare They Guards ✔ as a terrorist organization, to terminate all contracts and sever all relations with Iran. »

“The secret of defense must be taken out”

The demonstrators gathered in Grenoble thus intended to challenge the French authorities on two fronts: on Iran, therefore, but also on the two crimes committed against the Kurdish militants. For the first, exactly ten years have passed: in the night between 9 and 10 January 2013, three members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) were executed with multiple bullets to the headin the premises of the Kurdistan Information Center in Paris.

Grenoble: demonstration in support of the Iranian and Kurdish peoples

Protesters demanded justice for Iranian insurgents and Kurdish militants murdered in Paris. © Manuel Pavard – Gre’net Square

While the prime suspect, later jailed, died of brain cancer in 2016, five weeks before his trial, the Kurdish community is convinced of the involvement of the Turkish secret services, also strongly suspected by the French justice. Problem: the investigating judge does not have access to some documents of the French secret services.

Grenoble: demonstration in support of the Iranian and Kurdish peoples

Maryvonne Mathéoud (colored and striped jacket), co-president of the IAK, sees the hand of the Turkish secret services behind the triple murders of Kurdish militants committed ten years apart, in January 2013 and December 2022. © Manuel Pavard – Place Gre’net

« There has been an investigation again but the defense secret must be lifted so that the lawyers can have access to the file » complains Maryvonne Mathéoud, co-president of Aiak. At first glance, however, the case looks different the three Kurdish activists murdered on December 23, 2022 in Paris. William M., the alleged perpetrator of the attack, has in fact declared that he acted for a racist motive. But the Kurds, they, I still see Turkey’s hand there.

« State terrorism cannot be ruled out. This individual is certainly racist and xenophobic, but I think he was sponsored by Turkey. »

« State terrorism cannot be ruled out » believes Maryvonne Mathéoud. ” This individual is certainly racist and xenophobic, but I think he was sponsored “, he adds, referring to elements” disturbing in the unfolding of events. ” We need to open an investigation to establish where the responsibility lies and if anyone is behind it “says the activist.

For the latter, the democratic, secular and feminist project of the Kurds in Rojava it annoys Erdogan a lot “. The Turkish president and France also have ” signed an agreement to fight terrorism in 2011. This means that in France Kurds are arrested and sent back to Turkey where they are often tortured, while here they are political refugees “, denounces Maryvonne Mathéoud.

A young Iranian-born activist has demanded justice for the victims of PS 752, the Ukrainian Boeing that was shot down by two Iranian missiles by mistake near Tehran, on January 8, 2020. © Manuel Pavard – Place Gre’net

After reading a relatives manifesto of the victims of flight PS 752 by an exiled Iranian activist, the protesters in Grenoble broadcast Iranian and Kurdish songs, and repeated the slogan ” women, life, freedom “. Before making an appointment for next Saturday. Because everyone promises: as long as the repression continues in Iran and as long as the investigation does not progress for the Kurdish militants, they will remain mobilized.

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