Home » today » Health » Demonstration in Nuoro for the right to health, all in the square

Demonstration in Nuoro for the right to health, all in the square

Great participation in the protest in defense of public health

NUORO. Citizens and associations, mayors, regional and parliamentary councilors, trade unions: all in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele in Nuoro recalled by the association of cancer patients “Vivere a colori”, who have been fighting for the right to health for years and have been in garrison for a few days permanent, after the suspension of activities in the Surgery Department of San Francesco, then resumed but without guarantees.

“We are here to make a common front and prevent the dismantling of the San Francesco hospital and the local healthcare system. This is no longer a question of the Oncology ward, all departments on the verge of collapse, ”explains Marilena Pintore, leader of the association. The administrators of the province but also of the small towns that use the Nuorese hospital intervene.

Politics must sit around a table and solve problems, there is no more time to waste because here we can no longer cure ourselves”, thunders the mayor of Nuoro Andrea Soddu. The list of dramatic health shortages is made by Bustianu Cumpostu, leader of Sardigna Natizione: «In every ward of the hospital there is a shortage of 7 to 8 doctors, 100 general practitioners are missing and people can no longer be treated. Enough with the semi-private policy for general practitioners who sometimes have to serve 5 countries by paying 5 different surgeries. And enough with the limited number policy to enter medicine wanted by the current government. There is a petition to the European Commission because no one has the right to put the right to health in arrears ”.

For the confederal unions it is Francesca Ticca secretary of the UIL who speaks. “We have started a march for health that will not stop and the local politicians present here must bring the result home – attacks the trade unionist – there is a lack of doctors, nurses and paramedics. We must immediately ban the competitions, send home the commissioners who have smashed the health and make the Assl operational. Today is health, tomorrow will be the school and essential services, they are trying to desertify central Sardinia ».

And Maddalena Salerno, former regional councilor, asks for “the modification of the Omnibus law so that the 20 million given to Mater Olbia are destined for central Sardinia”. Forza Italia parliamentarian Pietro Pittalis proposes that Governor Solinas take the situation in hand and that the Regional Council meet in extraordinary session.

“Here – he warns – there is a very serious health emergency that risks becoming an emergency of another nature”. During the event a moving moment: the choir on Nugoresu sings the song “Non potho reposare” and dedicates it to all cancer patients of “Vivere a colori”. This afternoon in Nuoro we return to the square at 5 pm for the right to health with the Rosso Mori demonstration. (Maria Giovanna Fossati – ANSA).

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