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Demonstration ‘Close Vion’ at slaughterhouse in Boxtel, Farmers Defense Force is not showing

1/6 Photo: Sander van Gils / SQ Vision Media Productions

Action group ‘Close Vion’ demonstrated on Friday afternoon at the slaughterhouse in Boxtel. Some fifty activists stood at Vion’s premises shouting slogans like “Close Vion!” They want the company to be temporarily locked down because of the corona infections. Corona infections were previously diagnosed at Vion.

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The demonstrators had cloths with texts such as ‘Health over profit’ and ‘Close Vion’. A letter was also handed over to the company’s quality manager. It was also sent to the municipality. “We would like the fair story. We want to hear from the Security Region why this company must necessarily remain open,” says initiator Mirjam Bemelmans.

It went smoothly
The protesters were taken by bus to the slaughterhouse in Boxtel. They were supervised by Vion’s security in a trade. The activists also wanted to hand over pamphlets to the staff, but that was not allowed. The demonstration went smoothly. Vion employees could simply enter and leave the company.

Anne-Miep Vlasveld, Member of Parliament on behalf of the Party for the Animals in Brabant, was also at the demonstration. “It is unjustifiable that the slaughterhouses continue to run at full speed despite the proven danger of corona spreading,” she said.

Photo: Ilse Shoe
Photo: Ilse Schoenmakers

Farmers from the Defense Force had announced that they would intervene in the demonstration, but did not show up in the end. They indicated earlier that they wanted to prevent the road being blocked by the activists or that the supply of livestock would be hindered.

26 people tested positive
At the beginning of June, Vion took additional measures after corona infections were diagnosed in the personnel. For example, a gate check was set up to actively detect contamination, after which people with corona-like complaints were sent to one of the test streets of the GGD. A total of 26 people tested positive in the first two weeks of June in Boxtel. They therefore stopped their work.

‘Close at least 14 days’
Mirjam Bemelmans said it was unheard of that the production of meat is more important than the health of the employees and the inhabitants of Boxtel. “That is why we want them to close temporarily, for at least 14 days, and to test all people there. We want openness about the state of affairs. And I think that migrant workers don’t dare to say how sick they are because they are afraid of losing their job. That has to be done differently. ”

Photo: Sander van Gils / SQ Vision Media Productions
Photo: Sander van Gils / SQ Vision Media Productions

Vion’s works council announced in a press release on Friday afternoon that it is not behind the demonstration. “In the past few weeks, we have all worked hard to ensure that we can work safely and healthily. Many employees go the extra mile every day to protect their colleagues against an invisible enemy, the corona virus.”

In the press release, the OR continues to write: “Our employees are attracted by the negative publicity surrounding their work at the slaughterhouse, housing and transport. From the start of the outbreak of the corona virus, we have ensured that fresh food is store, also at the request of the government. … As far as we are concerned, we must put our shoulders to the wheel together, against the virus and to keep the food supply running, also for all those families who contribute to this. . “

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