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Demonstration at Jinek: we make it that easy for hackers

In his book, Verlaan describes how in many cases we do not get further than simple passwords such as ‘Welcome1’, ‘Hello’ or the name of our favorite football club. We often leave them intact for years, and we don’t bother setting up extra security at all.

Destroy life

“It is sad that we still think: they don’t bother me, I am not interesting”, says Verlaan at the table at Jinek. “But for a hacker you can quickly become interesting if you have a bank account and an identity card. If someone gets hold of it, you are very far from home. With a copy of a passport you can already destroy a life.”

The tech journalist wonders why people don’t take their internet security as seriously as other aspects of their lives. “They often do not intervene until they have been a victim. I can still see that in the youth, which really worries me,” says Verlaan. “People are careful with their home or their car, but why not online?”

Preference for animals

To reinforce his point, he delved into Eva Jinek’s passwords with permission. Whether she had secured herself properly? Unfortunately. “You have a preference for passwords with animals and numbers”, Verlaan discovered. The presenter has now adjusted them.

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