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Democrats ready to draw weapon of “impeachment” to oust Trump – Capitol invaded by pro-Trump

The American Democrats warned Sunday that they are ready to launch in the coming days a new “impeachment”, a historic impeachment procedure against Donald Trump, if Vice President Mike Pence does not resolve to remove him from office. functions.

Four days after the events on Capitol Hill, which left five dead and shook America, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a series of actions to remove the Republican president, described as an “imminent threat” against democracy and the American Constitution.

Democrats will first appeal to Mike Pence. The House will be asked Monday, and if necessary Tuesday, to vote on a resolution asking him to remove Donald Trump from his functions. During a rapid procedure then, if necessary during a formal vote.

The powerful leader of the Democrats, 80, says the impeachment procedure will be introduced immediately. The indictment article has already been drafted.

25th amendment

The Democrats ask Mike Pence to urgently activate the 25th amendment to the Constitution which consists for the vice-president and the principal ministers to note the inability of the president to exercise his function. Faithful to Donald Trump but having no further contact with him since the events of last Wednesday, Mike Pence has so far shown no willingness to trigger this device.

Nancy Pelosi specifies that the vice-president will have 24 hours to respond to the House’s injunction, which would amount to making him endorse executive powers for the last ten days of Trump’s mandate. President-elect Joe Biden is to be sworn in on Jan.20 on the steps of the Capitol.

Democrats believe the Republican billionaire is now an “unbalanced” and dangerous president and should therefore be ousted. They also believe he encouraged his supporters to march on the Capitol last Wednesday, where Mike Pence, held by the Constitution, was solemnly announcing the results of the Nov. 3 presidential election. A Joe Biden victory that Donald Trump never wanted to accept.

Some Republican elected officials on Sunday called on Donald Trump to resign to spare the country the complexities of the impeachment procedure such as the 25th Amendment.

“Unpardonable acts”

It “would be the best option,” Senator Pat Toomey told CNN. Since the presidential election of November 3, which he lost, Donald Trump “has sunk into a level of madness and has committed absolutely unthinkable and unforgivable acts,” he added. “The best thing for the unity of the country, it would be that it resigns”, added on ABC Adam Kinzinger, elected Republican of the House.

Isolated in the White House, released by several ministers, the American billionaire does not seem willing to go of his own accord. He even plans to travel to Texas on Tuesday to praise his immigration policy and the construction of the border wall with Mexico. But, ousted from Twitter and other major social networks that want to avoid further incitement to violence, Donald Trump now has limited alternatives to communicate with the general public.

In power since 2017, Donald Trump has already been targeted in Congress by a first impeachment procedure, opened by the same Nancy Pelosi, at the end of 2019, under the accusation of having asked a foreign country, Ukraine, to investigate on his rival Joe Biden. He had been acquitted in the Senate, with a Republican majority, in early 2020.

Donald Trump could thus become the only American president in history indicted twice in such an impeachment procedure. But it is a long and complicated procedure and several voices were raised in the Democratic camp, believing that it could hamper the plans of Joe Biden, who has made the response to the covid-19 pandemic his priority. .

“Let’s give the president-elect 100 days” at the start of his term to allow him to tackle the most pressing problems, suggested House Democrat James Clyburn. “We could perhaps introduce the articles (of indictment) a little later”. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin for his part said on CNN that an impeachment procedure after January 20 “would not make sense.”

Joe Biden remains very careful. The decision on “impeachment” rests with Congress, he said.

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