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Democrats and Republicans fear ‘leftist’ Bernie Sanders


The senator Bernie Sanders managed to push the Democratic Party to the left permeating the debate with progressive ideas, overcoming a heart attack and becoming a favorite to obtain the nomination in 2020, four years after being considered a utopian idealist.

Already in 2016, the veteran senator, famous for a tense temperament and disheveled hair that contrasts with the aesthetic taken care of Washington, unexpectedly captivated young people with his speech in defense of workers. At that time their proposals were dismissed as unrealistic by the barons of Democratic Party Y Sanders lost the nomination against Hillary Clinton

But after the surprise victory of Donald Trump, the Democrats accused the coup of criticism that accused them of being disconnected from the middle class and the workers. In this context of strong criticism of the elites, “Bernie“Has the advantage of being perceived as an” outsider “and as someone” more authentic and natural “than other candidates, he says Jim Campbell, political scientist of the Buffalo University

Despite being the oldest aspirant in the squad, Sanders He knew how to win the support of young figures from the left wing of the Democrats, such as the congresswoman of Puerto Rican origin Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and celebrities like the rapper Cardi B, Resident singer or pop star Miley Cyrus. All this has created an aura of youthful vitality around the septuagenarian.

Some Democrats are worried that Trump – who disqualifies Sanders as a “madman” – the present as a dangerous “communist” as long as he is regarded as a polarizing figure.

Both his supporters and his opponents in the Republican camp point out that the unconventional streak of his candidacy is precisely a magnet.

Sanders it represents a great risk because these elections are still held in an ‘anti-establishment’ era, ”says the Republican congressman Mark Meadows

This self-proclaimed “Socialist-Democrat,” in a country where socialism is often considered a bad word, has also found it difficult to gain support among the Democratic hierarchy. One of the reasons is that he just registered in the game last year.

Free university for everyone?

In the campaign, Sanders It delivers a simple message about its policies: taxes for the rich, raising the minimum wage, health coverage for all, free university tuition and the fight against climate change.

Passionate speaker, Sanders criticizes the “corporate greed”, the fossil fuel industry and the corrupt elites of Wall Street

Asked by CBS about whether the Democratic Party He had moved away from the center and had oriented with him to the left, said: “In many ways, they have … And the ideas that seemed radical four years ago are now quite conventional,” he said.

At a rally in Texas, which votes in the “super Tuesday” (March 3), Sanders said his campaign “is to defeat Trump, but it is much more than that.”

539 million

Spending by Michael Bloomberg The magnate has invested $ 539 million in television and radio ads, as well as other ad formats, since he launched his campaign on November 25.

“It is (about) the history of the labor rights movement in this country. It is the history of the civil rights movement in the country. It is the history of women’s rights in this movement. It is the story of the gay rights movement in this country. It’s about the campaign on the environmental movement in this country, ”he emphasized.

The leftist inclination of Sanders He worries some Democrats who fear that it will make him a weak opponent against Trump in the November elections. Trump has already played with the persistent fears of the Cold War among Americans by labeling Sanders as “communist.”

His Democratic rivals attack him

Old compliments to Cuba, Nicaragua and the Soviet Union have returned to the senator under attack by rivals, who accuse him of supporting authoritarian leaders and governments.

On February 23, the senator was consulted on the TV program “60 Minutes” about comments he made three decades ago about countries like Cuba, particularly highlighting that Fidel Castro He had greatly improved education. “We are very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba, but it is unfair to say that everything is bad,” he said of the revolution led by Castro in 1959.

Although he condemned the treatment of “dissident prisoners” on the island, his statements triggered criticism from other contenders determined to curb his progress in the primaries, after his sweeping victory in Nevada and his good performance in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The first Jewish president of the United States?

Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg could not be more different in their policies, but in a surprising way they share a similarity that marks a milestone in the US presidential campaign: both are Jews. If progressive Senator Sanders, who leads the Democratic race, or billionaire centrist Bloomberg, third in the polls, won the nomination and then the election against Donald Trump, the US would have the first Jewish president in its history. And yet, the fact that two Jews are in prominent positions in the 2020 race – 16 months after a white nationalist murdered 11 faithful in a Pittsburgh synagogue – has been quietly celebrated among the Jewish community, he noted. Rabbi Adam Kligfeld. “It’s amazing, impressive, surprising and I miss how little is being said about that,” says Kligfeld, rabbi of Temple Beth Am in Los Angeles.

Joe biden, Michael Bloomberg Y Pete Buttigieg, all moderates, took advantage of the visits that Sanders made the former USSR, Nicaragua governed by the sandinistas, and to Castro’s Cuba in the 1980s to present it as a threat to the democratic and capitalist system of the United States.

“Make no mistake: comments from Bernie Sanders on Fidel Castro they are part of a broader pattern throughout their lives to embrace autocratic leaders and governments around the world, ”said the Biden campaign. “He seems to have found more inspiration in the Soviets, Sandinistas, Chavistas and Castroists than in the United States,” he added.

Billionaire Bloomberg said Castro left a “dark legacy,” while former Buttigieg condemned that a Democratic candidate “is encouraging people to look at the positive side of the Castro regime.” “Americans don’t see where they fit in if they have to choose between a socialist who thinks that capitalism is the root of all evil and a billionaire who thinks money should be the root of all power,” Buttigieg added.

In Florida, a bastion of anti-Castro Cubans and a key hinge state to win the White House, Democratic lawmakers warned that if Sanders wins the primaries, President Trump will be reelected in November.

More fear of sanders than coronavirus

“In November we are going to beat the radical socialist democrats,” President Trump promised to a crowd in Iowa, where the Democrats began the process of choosing their candidate.

From Des Moines, capital of this agricultural state, Trump denounced the “madness” of the radical left and ironic about his possible adversaries. “We will win the great state of Iowa, and if we don’t win, it will be a nightmare for your agricultural production,” he said, as the crowd shouted “USA! USA! USES!”.

The conservatives of the US Congress and the environment of President Trump pulled out the heavy artillery in the face of socialism this weekend, considering it as a “threat” greater to the economy than the coronavirus

“The virus is not going to sink the US economy, what is going to or can sink the US economy is the socialism of our friends on the other side of the hemicycle. That is the biggest fear I have, ”said the chief economic adviser of the White House, Larry Kudlow, in his speech at the Conservative Conference on Political Action (CPAC). Kudlow said this year’s electoral process will pose a battle in the country against socialism.

Next to him spoke the daughter and presidential advisor, Ivanka Trump, which went further in criticism of socialism and warned that the problems derived from it can be seen even in “politics less to the left.”

Not in vain this year’s edition of the CPAC, the annual congress of the country’s conservatives, which takes place at the Gaylord convention center in the National Harbor (Maryland), has been dubbed the “United States against Socialism.” On Thursday, the vice president, Mike Pence, said that “socialism has failed everywhere, where it has been tested in all ages, on all continents and with people of all kinds.”

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