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Democratic Progressive Party-Nine in One-Tsai Ing-wen-Lin Zhuoshui-Constitutional Amendment-Single Party Dominance-Arrogance of Power-Primary Election Confiscation-Lin Zhijian-Documents-Ma Ying-jeou-Su Zhenchang-Anti-China Security Taiwan -Crack-UAV-National Security- Zheng Yunpeng-Chen Shizhong-Musk US-China Comparison China Peng KMT trend towards Taiwan

Lin Zhuoshui, former congressman of the Democratic Progressive Party, was interviewed by Yahoo TV’s “Wind to Taiwan”

The Democratic Progressive Party suffered a disastrous defeat in the 9-to-1 election. After President Tsai Ing-wen stepped down as party chairman, she lamented over a meal: ‘Even though we have achievements in government, people don’t wants to see the Democratic Progressive Party dominate.” In this regard, former DPP lawmaker Lin Zhuoshui criticized Tsai Ing-wen’s self-reflection completely blurry in an interview with Yahoo TV’s “Wind to Taiwan”. The arrogance of power? President Tsai confiscated the primary and lobbied National Taiwan University for Lin Zhijian’s thesis. This arrogance scared people.

Lin Zhuoshui said that in the 2008 and 2012 elections, Ma Ying-jeou’s government won an overwhelming majority in Congress; in 2016 and 2020, the people also gave an absolute majority to the DPP. Congress can make government run more smoothly. “What people don’t like about the arrogance that brings power after one party has dominated.”

Lin Zhuoshui pointed out that in this local election of the DPP, the chairman who is also the party chairman actually confiscated the primary election, which completely violated the principle of separation of powers and created the arrogance of power; The party’s resolution to overwhelm National Taiwan University scared everyone, and these two factors were the most fatal injuries.

“The arrogance of this power is still shown in the Executive Yuan. On the surface, the Executive Yuan Su Zhenchang is responsible to the National Assembly, but he doesn’t care about the National Assembly at all. Therefore, in the National Assembly, he often staged reproachful scenes with members of the National Assembly.” Lin Zhuoshui said, the party Chairman has the arrogance of power, and Ge Kui also has the arrogance of power, which makes people very unbearable. The conclusion of the president’s introspection is that the public does not like the dominance of one party, and even blames the front-line grassroots for not working hard enough. This is a blurry introspection.

Lin Zhuoshui further pointed out that another key to the DPP’s defeat this time is the violation of “Taiwan’s anti-China protection.” During the communist army’s exercise, drones invaded the Kinmen Barracks and even missiles flew over Taiwan’s outer space. The entire national security system faltered, making ordinary people feel that the government is weak.

What’s even more unfortunate is that before the election, Musk said that “Taiwan should become a special administrative region of China.” Chen Shizhong’s immediate response was that he would consider it; “There are many violations in the anti-intermediate protection table, but he plays the anti-intermediate protection table card himself, so the effect of this boomerang is very strong.”

Lin Zhuoshui believes that in the future the confrontation between China and the United States will become more and more acute, and Taiwan will face more and more pressure from China. It cannot harm the Kuomintang, but it will continue to hurt.

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