Park Hong-geun, the floor leader of the Democratic Party of Korea (center), speaks at the first public meeting of the Fact-Finding Task Force on First Lady Kim Gun-hee’s Stock Manipulation held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the 1st. Senior Reporter Minkyu Park
On the 1st, the Democratic Party launched an all-out campaign to introduce a special prosecutor to investigate the suspicion of stock price manipulation of Deutsche Motors by First Lady Kim Kun-hee, spouse of President Yoon Seok-yeol. The ‘Task Force (TF) for Fact-Investigation of First Lady Kim Gun-hee’s Stock Manipulation’, an organization within the party, held its first meeting, and the ‘Prosecution Dictatorship Political Suppression Countermeasures Committee’ launched a one-person relay demonstration calling for a special prosecutor. Dozens of hardline lawmakers begin an all-night sit-in at the National Assembly. In response to the prosecution’s investigation of representative Lee Jae-myeong, it seems to be putting a counterfire by urging a special prosecutor for Mrs. Kim, a weak link in the Yoon Seok-yeol administration.
The Democratic Party’s ‘First Lady Kim Gun-hee Fact-Finding Investigation TF’ held its first public meeting at the National Assembly this afternoon. Democratic Party floor leader Park Hong-geun said at the meeting, “The rule of law emphasized by the president is an exception for the president’s family, and is it a broken scale that only works for the opposition party leader and former government officials?” It is a serious crime,” he criticized. In addition, “If President Yoon Seok-yeol did the same as he did when he was a prosecutor at the special department, the suspicion of stock price manipulation of Mrs. Kim and her daughter falls under the special prosecution (target).” did. Didn’t the thief numb my feet?”
Representative Park said, “In an internal opinion poll, the public’s demand for a special investigation on Mrs. Kim’s stock manipulation allegations was surprisingly high.” We are also reviewing plans to expand and reorganize the response organization in the future,” he said. In September of last year, the Democratic Party proposed a special prosecutor bill for Mrs. Kim as a party argument.
The Democratic Party’s Prosecution Dictatorship and Political Suppression Countermeasures Committee started a relay one-man demonstration at the National Assembly Rotender Hall this morning, calling for the acceptance of the special prosecutor for Mrs. Kim. Rep. Park Beom-gye, the standing chairman of the countermeasures committee, and Rep. Park Chan-dae, co-chairman, stepped up as runners. Rep. Park Beom-gye said, “The public suspicion of Mrs. Kim’s case is very high, but the prosecution has reached the level of virtually disbanding the trial team involved in the investigation and maintenance of the prosecution.”
Members of the Democratic Party, led by the ‘Like Hoe’, a group of hardliners within the party, will hold an all-night sit-in at the Rotender Hall of the National Assembly from 8:30 p.m. They plan to condemn the prosecution for being lukewarm in the investigation of Mrs. Kim and President Yoon for not holding Minister Lee accountable at an all-night sit-in. There will also be discussions on future countermeasures by the opposition parties. On this day, the all-night sit-in is a one-time event. Depending on the outcome of the discussion, the method and duration of the sit-in may vary.
The Democratic Party announced that it would sue the presidential office for false accusation on the 3rd, which accused Spokesperson Kim Eui-gyeom of raising suspicion of Mrs. Kim’s involvement in stock price manipulation. Spokesperson Kim said on YTN radio, “A branch manager of a securities firm, a key figure in the Deutsche Motors operational forces (in which Mrs. Kim was involved), was tried a few years ago.” insisted.
The Democratic Party plans to hold a large-scale outdoor rally in downtown Seoul on the 4th and call for a special prosecutor for Mrs. Kim.
The Democratic Party’s omnidirectional offensive against Mrs. Kim is strong against the prosecution’s investigation of Representative Lee. It seems to have taken into consideration the fact that public suspicion of Mrs. Kim’s suspicion is high and that the first trial of the Deutsche Motors stock price manipulation case will be announced on the 10th.
There are many hurdles to overcome in order to make the special prosecution of first lady Kim a reality. The chairman of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly, which the special prosecutor bill has to go through, is Rep. Kim Do-eup of People’s Power. In order to designate an expedited agenda (fast track) to circumvent this, the Judiciary Committee or a member of the plenary session A three-fifths majority is required. The consent of 11 out of 18 members of the judiciary is required, but only 10 are members of the Democratic Party. Cho Jung-hun, the only member of a non-parliamentary group, expressed his opposition to the special prosecutor bill for Mrs. Kim. Even if all lawmakers voted at the plenary session, the Democratic Party could not fill all 180 seats, so cooperation with the opposition parties, such as the Justice Party, is needed. Another concern is how public opinion will react to the massive opposition party’s attack on the president’s spouse.