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“Democratic Party Chief Raises Concerns over Indonesia’s Law Enforcement System”


Democratic Party Chief Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) highlights the current law enforcement system in Indonesia. AHY assesses that the current law is sharp to opponents, blunt to friends.

“Many feel that law enforcement practices seem to be sharp downwards, blunt upwards, sharp to the opposite blunt to friends,” AHY said during his remarks at the PKS 21st Anniversary event, Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Saturday (20/5/2023) .

AHY said this problem should not have happened in Indonesia. First, securing political friends from legal proceedings because they fall into the category of obstruction of justice or attempts to obstruct law enforcement.

In addition, he said there are parties who use legal instruments to finish off political opponents with the abuse of power alias abuse of power.

“Meanwhile, the quality of democracy has declined. We are on the verge of a serious democratic regression. It’s like being in a ravine. Soon we will fall into a democracy that is getting backwards,” he said.

Meanwhile, AHY believes that Indonesia’s democracy is also declining and will soon fall into the abyss. He said people who were critical were seen as resisting and silenced.

“Those who dare to speak out are seen as enemies of the state. Those of us who are critical of PKS, NasDem, Democrats if they are critical are said to be enemies of the state. Doesn’t this country belong to all of us? Don’t let people feel silenced and afraid to speak out in their own country,” he added.

Watch the video ‘Hope Paloh-Anies in the Plate Case Not to be Intervented by Power-Politics’:


2023-05-20 09:11:59

#AHY #Criticism #Law #Enforcement #Seemingly #Sharp #Opponents #Blunt #Friends

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