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Democratic Party chairman predicts ‘chaos’ at next week’s GOP convention

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez charged Friday that “chaos will be the order of the day” at next week’s Republican National Convention.

Speaking with reporters, Perez predicted that “the Republican convention next week will be marked by chaos, chaos, chaos.”


And he argued that President Trump will “do what he always does – lie, scare, distract, divide, and make next week all about himself.”

Perez highlighted that Democrats – coming off their national convention which concluded Thursday night – “are not taking our foot off the gas next week. While Republicans put together their chaos convention, the DNC war room will be working around the clock to speak truth to power, to expose the disastrous consequences of Trump’s chaos presidency, which has led only to crisis after crisis after crisis.”

Perez claimed that “unity is clearly not the message for them. Division is the message for them. The only way he (Trump) succeeds is to divide and conquer. That’s his only play in the playbook.”

Vice President Pence painted a very different picture of what to expect at next week’s convention, which like the Democratic confab will be mostly virtual.

“We’re going to talk about what this president has done to revive this economy, rebuild the military, strengthen the constitutional liberties with conservatives to our courts at every level,” Pence said Friday morning in an interview on “Fox & Friends.”

The vice president claimed that Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his party have “been overtaken by the radical left and while they didn’t talk about it very much, their agenda is higher taxes, socialized medicine, open borders, abortion on demand, and efforts to cut and reduce support to law enforcement at a time when there’s rising violence in our streets. And that’s a choice we’re going to make clear to the American people next week.”


And pointing to the three-month-long nationwide protests over police brutality against minorities and systemic racism — as some of those protests have escalated into violent riots — Pence vowed that “we’re going to bring law and order to our cities. You’re going to hear about that next week.”

The Republican convention kicks off Monday in Charlotte as a limited number of party delegates briefly meet to formally re-nominate both the president and vice president. The rest of the convention will be held virtually, with programming in prime time.

A Trump campaign official told Fox News that Trump is expected to have a “heavy in-person presence” all four nights of the convention and that “his preference is to be live,” not taped.

“I think we’re going to have more of it live than what they [the DNC] did,” Trump said on Fox News’ “Hannity” Thursday night. “I think it’s pretty boring when you do tapes. I’m going to go live and do mine live.”

The president is slated to deliver his formal acceptance speech for the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday, Aug. 27 at the White House.

Fox News’ Kristen Fisher and Brooke Singman contributed to this report

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