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Democratic megadonor convicted – Injected gay men

NEW YORK (Dagbladet): Buck was convicted of the conditions in July last year. On Thursday, the sentencing came, American media reports, among other things AP and CNN.

Buck, 67, has been sentenced to 30 years in prison after Gemmel Moore and Timothy Dean were found dead at Buck’s apartment a year and a half apart in 2017 and 2019. Both died after Buck injected them with large doses of methamphetamine.

But even after the two men were found dead in Bucks apartment in West Hollywood, California, he continued to inject several other gay men with methamphetamine, according to prosecutors. A third man, Dane Brown, testified in court about how he survived overdoses before Buck was arrested in 2019.

Buck is a wealthy man, who has given large sums of money to democratic politicians, LGBTQ causes and animal rights.

CRUSHING CARS: Violent riots are taking place in Linköping and Norrköping on Thursday evening. Video: Dagbladet TV
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– Horrific crimes

The judge in the case, Christina A. Snyder, said that the determination was difficult because she had to balance the good Buck had done earlier in life against the “horrific crimes”.

The prosecution wanted a life sentence. They believe Buck had a fetish for attacking vulnerable men, often young and African Americans.

Buck used his money and privileges to exploit the imbalance in power and wealth between himself and the victims, who were homeless or struggling with addiction. He spent thousands of dollars on drugs and parties that ruined lives and caused addiction, Assistant Attorney General Chelsea Norell wrote to the court.

Many of the men Buck came in contact with on dating apps for queers.

Health problems

Bucks’ defense attorneys requested that he be sentenced to ten years in prison. They believed that it was mitigating circumstances that he himself experienced sexual abuse as a child, and that health problems made him addicted to drugs.

In court on Thursday, Buck said he loved the men and wished he could turn back time. At the same time, he insisted he was not responsible.

“Their deaths were tragic, but I did not cause their deaths,” Buck said, according to the AP.

SURPRISED: Here, the newspaper’s reporter is surprised live in Strømstad, Maundy Thursday 14 April 2022. Video: Mia Engenes Bratlie. Reporter: Anniken Aronsen.
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Previous model

The trial of Buck, a wealthy white man, has received much attention in the United States. He worked as a model several decades ago before earning a small fortune selling a company he had saved from bankruptcy. In 1987, he led the campaign to remove then-Republican Gov. Arizona Evan Mecham. This led to Mecham being sued in the state and removed from the position.

At the age of 32, Buck retired and moved to West Hollywood, Los Angeles, which is known for its large, queer population. Since 2000, Buck has donated more than $ 500,000 (about $ 4.4 million) to the Democrats.


His problems began when Gemmel Moore was found dead in his apartment on July 27, 2017. Buck had flown him in from Texas that morning.

The case received a lot of attention. People in the community held demonstrations outside the apartment in West Hollywood, but Buck was not arrested.

While the deaths were being investigated, Buck continued to pay men to inject them.

18 months after the first death, Dean was found dead in Bucks apartment on January 7, 2019. But even now he was not arrested.

In the time that followed, he also injected a third man with methamphetamine so that he got an overdose. He survived with difficulty and hardly.

In September 2019, Buck was finally arrested.

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