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Democratic Caucus Rejects Bipartisan Proposal Linking Ukraine Aid to Border Security

House Democrat Rejects Bipartisan Plan Linking Ukraine Aid to Border Security

House Democrat Rejects Bipartisan Plan Linking Ukraine Aid to Border Security

The head of the House Democratic Caucus wasted no time Thursday shooting down a bipartisan proposal linking Ukraine aid to border security.

Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.) said the supporters of that plan are “well-meaning” and “thoughtful” lawmakers.

Seeking Support for Discharge Petition

The Ukraine-border package was introduced earlier in the month in an effort to break the impasse over military aid to Kyiv, which has been held up by opposition from House conservatives. And the supporters of the legislation are already seeking support for a discharge petition to force their proposal to the floor, according to Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), a lead sponsor.

Democratic Leaders Prefer Senate-Passed Foreign Aid Bill

But many Democrats have hammered Fitzpatrick’s proposal both for provisions it includes, like a “remain in Mexico” policy governing would-be migrants, and for those it leaves out, like humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza. And Aguilar made clear that Democratic leaders prefer a Senate-passed foreign aid bill, which includes new funding for Ukraine, Israel, and humanitarian aid in Gaza while excluding border security provisions, and will continue pressing Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to bring it to the floor.

Opposition from Former President Trump

Former President Trump opposes any new aid to Ukraine, and this has influenced many Republicans. Most Senate Republicans opposed the foreign assistance bill, and House conservatives are lining up in opposition as well.

Impasse Leads to Alternative Strategies

The impasse has caused Democratic leaders to begin seeking alternative strategies for bringing the Senate bill to the House floor, including the possibility of pushing their own discharge petition, which would force a floor vote if 218 lawmakers sign on. Democratic leaders are not ruling anything out, as they weigh their strategy, but they continue to press Speaker Johnson to stage a vote on the Senate package.

H.R.-2 Border Provisions Unacceptable to Liberals

Johnson has demanded that any foreign aid package must also include tougher border security measures, along the lines of those passed by House Republicans in H.R.-2. However, liberals in Aguilar’s caucus find the Fitzpatrick bill, which incorporates some of the border provisions from H.R.-2, unacceptable.

Urgency Remains as Russian Forces Advance in Ukraine

Some Democrats are already warning that the situation in Ukraine is too urgent to wait. Russian forces are advancing, and Ukrainian soldiers are short on ammunition.

Mychael Schnell contributed reporting.

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