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Democracy or barbarism, more than ever – PublicoGT

Miguel Angel Sandoval

The indigenous uprising of October found a society that wanted to live in democracy and leave barbarism aside. It is in a concentrated way what has been happening. That is why we chose to vote for Arévalo and to support the indigenous uprising and other social sectors, as we could. Perhaps the only ones who insist on wanting to take us to a country where barbarism reigns are those who make up the corrupt pact at its different levels.

But in the midst of everything, democracy makes its way through unexpected paths. It is the initial case of the indigenous uprising for democracy, for respect for the vote and for the peaceful transition of government. That is the essence of the national mobilization led by the indigenous authorities of our country. Added to this are the historically violated rights of indigenous peoples.

Added to this scenario is the democratic defense of the right to demonstrate by General Napoleón Barrientos, who today has him in prison. All for refusing to comply with illegal, spurious orders, which urged him to return us to repressive barbarism.

Today it is clear that we want to live in democracy, that barbarism is only the aspiration of a small group, powerful, but small. Even Dionisio Gutiérrez, one of those least suspected of being from the left or even moderate, but rather from the avowed right, now says that they only take him out of his house dead, because he is not willing to live in the midst of a regime of barbarism.

All legaloid maneuvers were defeated. All acts of political-electoral corruption too. There is only the resource of force, but they do not have the tools for it. For these reasons, today we can say that a few hours after the change of government that must be made no matter what, democracy is triumphing over barbarism. It is necessary to emphasize this: with social mobilization in defense of the votes at the polls. The next government of Arévalo and Herrera, which begins on January 14, will have a complicated agenda in an extremely complex country. His government program has our support. And I add, that of many people who want to live in democracy, far from the barbarism of the corrupt.

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