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Demi Moore and other celebrities who became obsessed with looking younger

  • Demi Moore has surprised everyone with a radical makeover that has also been widely criticized.

  • But Moore has not been the only one. The change of other celebrities such as Renée Zellweger or Catherine Zeta-Jones has been much commented.

It was at the end of January when Demi Moore got on a catwalk. It had been a long time since his last appearance in public, but it was not this that made a great impression. The actress was unrecognizable; little was left of that strong-featured Demi Moore with a jovial and cheerful expression. It seemed that another person had climbed on the catwalk, a totally different face and subjected to different cosmetic surgery interventions.

Already in her time, when she became famous for Charlie’s AngelsHe explained that he did not like the idea of ​​having surgery to slow down the aging process. “The scalpel won’t make you happy”, He commented in an interview. Now, it seems that he has radically changed his mind and has become fond of looking younger than he really is. But Demi Moore has not been the only celebrity who has been carried away by those established canons and has decided to change her image to everyone’s surprise.

Demi Moore’s physical change has impressed everyone.divinity.es

The truth is that plastic surgery it has always been common among our celebrities. When asked, many of them have explained that they did not believe people when they described them as beautiful and attractive people. Some words that could indicate that some of them could suffer, even, dysmorphia: a disorder that makes the person see their body or a part of it totally different from what it is in reality. Many times this is linked to different eating disorders that can also cause anorexia. In most cases, this is caused by social pressure or insecurity of each one, although there may also be different hereditary factors.

Renée Zellweger’s radical change

Renée Zellweger went viral for her face change.

Renée Zellweger went viral for her face change.divinity.es

One of the actresses who most impacted with her physical change was the actress Renée Zellweger. The protagonist of The diaryof Bridget Jones He surprised everyone in 2014 with a totally different face than we were used to. As she explained herself, this change had been due to her age, changes in her lifestyle and habits since she felt “happier”, but the truth is that the experts insisted that the artist had made excessive use of the botox. In addition, she had lowered the fat and excess skin on her eyelids, had a jaw filler and had her cheeks touched up.

Catherine Zeta-Jones, Courteney Cox and other celebrities who also surprised

Also, Catherine Zeta-Jones' appearance has changed a lot in recent times.

Also, Catherine Zeta-Jones’ appearance has changed a lot in recent times.divinity.es

Catherine Zeta-Jones he has never confessed whether his physical change was due to nature or the dexterity of the scalpel. But it is true that his face has changed a lot in recent years. Thus, experts point out that he has retouched his cheekbones and lips. The same has happened to the actress Courteney Cox, of which little remains of the mythical Monica from the popular series Friends.

Courteney Cox has also undergone surgery on more than one occasion.

Courteney Cox has also undergone surgery on more than one occasion.divinity.es

Catherine and Courteney are not the only ones. Melanie Griffith He has also expressed, on more than one occasion, that he has made the odd touch-up on his face. Thus, the actress has gone through several operations throughout her career. The ex-wife of Antonio Banderas has retouched her cheekbones, nose and lips, among other areas of her body.

Melanie Griffith has also changed a lot in recent years.

Melanie Griffith has also changed a lot in recent years.divinity.es

Also, another of the actresses who surprised a lot with her physical change was Meg Ryan. The face of the artist has changed significantly in recent years, something that has been recorded in the different films she has starred in.

Meg Ryan has had her cheekbones, nose and lips touched up.

Meg Ryan has had her cheekbones, nose and lips touched up.divinity.es

The queens of the scalpel are the Kardashian-Jenner sisters

Although yes, the protagonists of this list are, without a doubt, the sisters Kardashian-Jenner. All have undergone a very radical change since they became famous. In addition, most of them have been criticized for their obsession with plastic and cosmetic surgery.

Kim Kardashian admitted years ago that she had Botox implanted and even aired it on one of her shows. Also, one of the most criticized has been Kylie Jenner, who, at 23, admitted that she had put on her lips. “They are very small and when I gave my first kiss to a boy he told me that he thought I would not kiss well because of the size of my lips,” he said in an interview that he had put Botox at age 15.

The young woman has retouched nose and jaw, to give a more contoured appearance to the face. In addition, her breasts, hips and buttocks have also undergone a small modification, although she has attributed this physical change to her development over the years; from adolescence to maturity.

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