Home » News » Dementia-Specific Facility with Open Spaces: Seoul City Expands Elderly Care Options by 2030

Dementia-Specific Facility with Open Spaces: Seoul City Expands Elderly Care Options by 2030

Dementia-specific facility to meet elderly care needs… Resident-friendly welfare through open space

Seoul City plans to expand 20 public nursing facilities and 430 safe care homes by 2030

Panoramic view of the Municipal Gangdong Silver Care Center

[서울시 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Go Eun-ji = Seoul City Gangdong Silver Care Center, equipped with smart care technology and an eco-friendly garden, officially opened on the 17th. Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon and Gangdong-gu Mayor Lee Soo-hee attended the opening ceremony.

The center has three floors above ground, has a capacity of 117 people, and is equipped with a nursing home (89 people) and an attached day care center (28 people). After three years of construction, with a total project cost of 22.4 billion won, admissions began on September 1 of this year.

The facility, which was designed as a dementia-specific facility, applied color and spatial awareness design that took into consideration the cognitive ability and emotional development of the elderly. Yellow, orange, and light blue were used uniformly for each floor and living room so that seniors with dementia could intuitively distinguish between spaces.


The bedroom area is 23.1㎡, which is larger than the existing nursing facility (19.8㎡ for a 3-person room) and is equipped with a common living room.

Outdoors, a ‘bus stop of memories’ (a model bus stop), which Mayor Oh noticed during his European tour, was installed to prevent disappearances and to be used as a place for rest and chat.

In addition, we created an eco-friendly garden with hydrangeas, roses, zinnias, azaleas, and a lawn square so that you can feel the change of seasons both indoors and outdoors. The garden and plaza were opened to the public, making it a harmonious open space rather than a space isolated from the local area, unlike existing nursing facilities.

A 24-hour safe care system will also be established using cutting-edge technologies such as various care robots and smart devices.

We plan to reduce the workload of workers and provide high-quality nursing services by using various care robots, such as rehabilitation robots and meal assistance robots, including excrement care robots that were pilot introduced and received positive reviews in other municipal facilities. The care robot will be piloted in the second half of this year and then introduced in earnest in the future.

Local residents’ open landscape garden

[서울시 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

For more information about the City Gangdong Silver Care Center, please visit the official website (http://www.gangdongcare.com) or by phone (☎ 02-441-2302).

In addition, the city is pursuing a policy to expand public nursing facilities and safe care homes (Seoul-type elderly care group living homes) to respond to a super-aging society.

By 2030, the goal is to expand 20 community-friendly public nursing facilities and 430 safe care homes to lay the foundation for a ‘safe senior-friendly city, Seoul.’

Lee Soo-yeon, director of the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s Welfare Policy Department, said, “The Gangdong Silver Care Center has improved the quality of elderly care through careful design and landscaping, and shared the center space with local residents, giving a glimpse into the aspect of a community-friendly facility.” He added, “We will continue to operate public nursing facilities in the future.” “We will expand this to ensure a secure retirement and ease the burden on caregiving families,” he said.

[email protected]

Report via KakaoTalk okjebo
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2023/10/17 14:30 Sent

2023-10-17 05:30:00
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