both are in conditionsteady.isabel: we are with thiscongregation, march and protestin front of the city hall, is amarch for peace in order toculminate in violencearmed, as they can seeare sitting, somesimple, mostlyAfrican Americans but alsoHispanics who are participating.and before arriving here dozensof them crossed the bridgebrooklyn, this was closed totraffic and then they did thewalk, crossed the bridgesinging with slogans, allblack and white dressesuntil they got to where they wentgreeted with songs ofpraise and prayer, they have alsooffered several messages withreligious tones but in themain reason for the march.“digital edition” new yorktalked to some of theprotesters and usthey shared the reason whyqé esán aqí.when the people of israelhe went around jerió, the wallsof jerió they fell, whenopen the wall we are talkingof the reform that has tobe in the city, weas the clergy we areuniting with the police toattract in the reform.>> we are here at this hourraising us that love isbigger than hateus raising the princeof jeus of nazareth and we aretelling him that we are going to putillegal firearms andWe are going to raise lives.police Department,they also say in thedepartment of education andthe sale of firearms,specifically in that of therifles.will continue to meet withcommunity with the mayor until