Home » today » Sport » Demafe will indict Athletico and Coritiba players after beating: “They may lose primacy” | paranaense championship

Demafe will indict Athletico and Coritiba players after beating: “They may lose primacy” | paranaense championship

The Mobile Police Station for Football and Events (Demafe) will indict eight players, from Athletico and coritibafor the confusion in the classic Atletiba, last Sunday, at Arena da Baixada, for the eighth round of Paranaense.

The allegation was confirmed by the delegate Luiz Carlos DeOliveira to the ge. Athletes will be summoned to appear at the police station to sign a detailed term.

The intimated players are the defenders Thiago Heleno e Peter Henrique, the steering wheel Christianthe left-back Pedrinho and the sock David Terans of Hurricane. the defender Marcio Silvathe attackers Alef Manga e Fabricio Danielfrom Thigh.

According to the delegate, the athletes are being framed in article 137: participating in a fight, except to separate the contenders. Penalty: detention, from fifteen days to two months, or a fine.

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Athletico-PR x Coritiba Paranaense — Photo: Robson Mafra/AGIF

The subpoena was carried out after Demafe analyzed all the images, as explained by the delegate.

If we blame the fan who invades the field, we also have to blame the players. It is important to point out that they may lose priority

— Luiz Carlos de Oliveira, to ge

– We believe that the player has no right to do that barbarity that was done last weekend. Because, in addition to having a good salary, living up to the gift, it’s not fair that they do all that and incite violence. That is, they will have it in the file.


In the final stretch of the classic, at the 51st minute, Marcio Silva (Coxa) and David Terans (Hurricane) began to be at odds near the area. Soon after, Alviverde Alef Manga got into trouble with Terans and provoked a reaction from Atlético players, such as Pedro Henrique and Thiago Heleno.

From then on, athletes from both teams got involved in arguments and shoves spread across the lawn. The red-black Pedrinho even landed a kick on Manga and was later chased by athletes from the white thighs. Pedro Henrique and Fabrício Daniel also exchanged punches.

An Athletico fan even invaded the field and, after attacking goalkeeper Marcão, from coritibawas restrained by private security. According to Demafe, he will be punished by one year of attending the stadiums. Two other fans even entered the pitch and were directed to Demafe.

After 14 minutes, the arbitration met with managers and captains of both clubs. The parties deliberated, and the referee Jose Mendonça da Silva Junior suspended the game – they had only two more minutes to play from the given extra time.

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Paranaense: Athletico x Coritiba ends in confusion between players and fan invasion

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