Home » today » Health » Delve into the heart and lung rehabilitation department, Ramkhamhaeng Hospital, the first time the body and heart Will follow the dream together

Delve into the heart and lung rehabilitation department, Ramkhamhaeng Hospital, the first time the body and heart Will follow the dream together

What is the heart and lung rehabilitation department?

Cardiac Rehabilitation (Cardiac Rehabilitation) is a department specializing in the rehabilitation and care of heart and lung function. Prevent this disease from coming back Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Department It is under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Sitthapongpiboon, an expert in cardiac, pulmonary and diabetic rehabilitation and also an expert in sports science. Who graduated with a master’s degree In exercise for the treatment of disease from the University of Pittsburgn, USA, currently dean. Faculty of Sports Science Chulalongkorn University

It is also an expert in heart and lung rehabilitation. Physical exercise for disease, sport science and exercise. Stationed at Ramkhamhaeng Hospital Heart and lung rehabilitation department as well.

In addition, the heart and lung rehabilitation department. There are also knowledgeable medical personnel. Specialization in restoration Come take care of your health by exercise. Including educating patients on matters related to heart and lung disease The recovery will focus on exercise. With modern exercise equipment Suitable for the patient Along with the physical fitness test And medical devices that help monitor abnormalities During exercise Which is very important to help heart patients And patients with comorbidities relieve anxiety And confident that they will be able to use their daily life Exercise normally Resulting in a better quality of life So that you can return to the dream that your heart wants.

Who should have cardiac and lung rehabilitation?

⦁ Patients with ischemic heart disease Or have ever performed a heart catheterization, such as balloon angioplasty and stenting
⦁ Patients who have had heart surgery, such as bypass surgery (bypass) ⦁ Patients with arrhythmia
⦁ Patients wearing defibrillators
⦁ Patients wearing defibrillators
⦁ People who want to rehabilitate the heart and lungs
⦁ Patients with NCDs such as hypertension Coronary heart disease Stroke, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, kidney disease, obesity, metabolic diseases, etc.
⦁ Athletes who want to plan training for competitions
⦁ People interested in maintaining their health by exercising appropriately and safely.

Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Department How is it different from general fitness?

Although exercise is a good way to maintain health. But in the case of patients with chronic NCDs or NCDs, there may be some limitations on exercise. Who cannot exercise as a normal person Such as patients with high blood pressure If there is no exercise suitable for physical fitness There may be abnormal symptoms. Or has a relapse, such as a rapid pulse or palpitations Sore or chest tightness, difficulty breathing, pale face, cold, etc. Make exercise of patients with chronic non-communicable diseases. Should be under the supervision of a doctor And correct advice is needed So that the patient can exercise and build strength for the body. And take care of yourself properly The result is that patients can reduce their use of the drug. The body can regulate pressure. And better diabetes Including lower mortality rates

The rehabilitation department of the heart and lungs at Ramkhamhaeng Hospital can meet the needs of exercise for the treatment of diseases at the right point. Because every time you receive treatment There will be doctors and specialists Keeping close supervision and checking the physical condition Measure the level of blood pressure And able to accurately recommend the type of intensity in exercise

Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Department Designed with care To take care of your heart

Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Department It is a very well designed program. To help people with heart disease Or have risk factors for heart disease Recover faster Return to normal and perform daily activities as before It will design and plan exercise for the patient individually. Help the patient to know how to exercise properly and safely. This exercise is a key component of the recovery process. Help patients with various disease conditions Have healthier body Mind relax Can be reused for daily life And able to exercise and control the symptoms of the disease Without any abnormal symptoms Reduce the chance of recurrence of the disease in the future. And reduce the complications of various diseases Under the supervision of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation specialist Comes complete with modern exercise equipment And integrated efficient technology such as

Telemetry cardiac rehab management system A device used to track the exercise of patients with heart disease and other diseases. Which can collect data, analyze and summarize the results of exercise For information to monitor the progress of symptoms And can accompany the treatment of the patient

ECG telemetry transmitter Devices for surveillance, monitoring and monitoring of heart abnormalities By viewing the ECG while exercising. To be careful and monitor abnormal conditions that may occur while exercising.

Leg ergometer + BP + spO2 Exercise bike connected with cardiac rehab management system used for exercise of patients. The bicycle is controlled by the weight and amount of work that the patient gives while the patient is exercising. The device will measure and collect data of blood pressure and the percentage of oxygen in the blood whether it is balanced with exercise. An exercise bike is a device that helps to strengthen the leg muscles in the patient. As well as rehabilitation and promote the patient to have a stronger heart performance as well Which is beneficial to the patient’s daily life as well

Arm ergometer + BP + spO2 Exercise bike connected to cardiac rehab management system, used for exercise of patients. Where the bicycle arms are controlled by the weight and amount of work that the patient gives while the patient is exercising The device will measure and collect data of blood pressure and the percentage of oxygen in the blood whether it is balanced with exercise. The arm bicycle is a device that helps strengthen the muscles of your arms, shoulders, chest, back and body. Including muscle endurance As well as rehabilitation and promote the patient to have a stronger heart performance as well Which is beneficial to the patient’s daily life as well

Treadmill Walking and running track It is a device used to exercise to make the patient more tolerant of the various functions. In the body Whether blood circulation Or strengthening the muscles As well as improving balance and movement And also helps to strengthen the heart’s fitness to be stronger

Hoist fitness multi station gym Equipment to build muscle strength Patients can use the device to do a wide variety of muscle exercises, and exercises can be customized to strengthen and develop different muscles. As needed

Rowing machine Fitness equipment that helps build muscle strength. Patients must use their arms and legs to exercise simultaneously. Body movements include the pulling of the arms and the use of the legs to kick off. This allows the patient to exercise both the upper and lower body muscles at the same time.

Nustep T4R recumbent Low impact gym equipment Suitable for the elderly People who are overweight And those with poor balance The exerciser must use both arms and legs to exercise at the same time.This device helps to build strength in the arms and legs. Including restoring and promoting a stronger heart performance as well

Impetus air bike It is a low-impact exercise bike equipment. Suitable for the elderly People who are overweight And those with poor balance The exerciser must use both arms and legs to exercise at the same time.This device helps to build strength in the arms and legs. Including restoring and promoting a stronger heart performance as well

Easy to take care of your heart

Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Department Open for service at Building 3, Floor 10, Ramkhamhaeng Hospital from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. daily, tel. 027439999 ext. 3040, the process of getting the service is very simple

1. Register

2. Measure the basic life contract Ready to attach tools

3. The doctor asks for basic patient symptoms. To assess physical fitness And see what activities the patient can do

4. The staff takes the patient for a warm-up walk so that the body is ready for the activity.

5. The doctor takes the patient to a tool to exercise. With the staff to control the program And the team has doctors to take care of the patients all the time There is also a measure of pressure. Measure the oxygen in the blood, also measure the pulse during exercise.

Because we only have one heart Therefore must take care as best For dreams that haven’t been done yet For a better quality of life can be returned to normal. And doing the same routine that was previously possible Therefore, we must always take care of our heart. Or choose the hospital that treats the point of care that we like, as we can live happily for a long time.

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