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Delta Flight Forced into Emergency Landing Due to Passenger’s Diarrhea: A Biological Emergency

James D. Morgan / Getty Images

TRANSPORTS – “Ladies and gentleman, this is a biological emergency. » And plane of the American company Delta, in full transatlantic voyage between the UNITED STATES and Spain, had to turn around for some unusual reason this Friday, September 1st.

Two hours after the Airbus A350 took off, its pilot said it would not land in Barcelona as planned, but would instead return urgently to its starting point, Atlanta, Georgia. In a recording posted on Twitter (now named X) and reported by the New York Post, you can hear him say: “We had a passenger who had diarrhea all over the plane, so we need to get back to Atlanta.”

In the comments following the tweet, people on the plane confirm the improbable incident. “It was running down the driveway and the smell was terrible,” says, for example, a user. The identity of the sick passenger has not been revealed, nor the reason for this health problem. Delta soberly evoked a “medical problem” and “a biological emergency”.

Passengers were able to get off the plane as soon as it returned to Atlanta, where the aircraft was immediately cleaned by the company. “Our teams worked as quickly as possible to thoroughly clean the aircraft and get our customers to their final destination,” Delta said in a statement. “We sincerely apologize to our customers for the delay and inconvenience to their travel plans” she added.

Passengers and crew were able to catch another plane and arrived safely in Barcelona, ​​eight hours late, but on a much smoother flight.

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2023-09-06 13:03:31

#United #States #Delta #plane #emergency #landing #violent #diarrhea #passenger

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