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Delphine Jubillar case: these new revelations brought by the latest analysis of Cédric’s pedometer

According to Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers, according to the pedometer on his phone, he would have looked for his wife on the evening of his disappearance. We take stock of the investigation.

New element in the Jubillar case. According to information from RTL and our colleagues from Toulouse La Dépêche du Midi, the study of the pedometer reveals that Cédric Jubillar has taken much more than 40 steps to search for his missing spouse, version given in June by the former head of the public prosecutor’s office in Toulouse to substantiate his accusations. According to latest analysis, the pedometer recorded 46 steps in 7 minutes, between 3:53 a.m. (when he turns his phone back on) and 4 a.m. Then 255 steps between 4 a.m. (time when he called the gendarmerie) and 5 a.m. (time of arrival of the gendarmes).

Elements were deceptively presented, twisted by investigators

The Toulouse prosecutor’s office maintained, however, that Cédric Jubillar had not looked for his wife in the house, as he should naturally have done because his cell phone had not recorded many steps. But he only had part of the analysis at that time.

The lawyers of Cédric Jubillar, the husband of Delphine, a 33-year-old nurse from Tarn who died a year ago, see it as “manipulation” : “I can tell you that there are a good number of other elements which have been deceptively presented, twisted by the investigators and the prosecution”, denounces Maître Alexandre Martin, one of the three defense lawyers, among our colleagues .

The defense will therefore soon formulate a new release request for their client, in detention since June. A new hearing before the Court of Appeal could take place in early 2022.

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