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Deloitte sends employees who do not show a QR code home

Consultant multinational Deloitte checks randomly whether employees have a QR code, Nieuwsuur reveals. Officially, no one is obliged to show such a code, Deloitte says, but anyone who does not want or cannot present the health card will be sent home. The company says it wants to provide a safe working environment, but experts say that such practices are prohibited.

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“It has been a difficult decision. It has been decided: you don’t have to come to the office, but if you want to, you must be able to show the QR code,” says Liesbeth Mol, member of the Executive Board of Deloitte. This is a question, emphasizes Deloitte. Employees don’t have to show the code if they don’t want to. There is no check at the door, and nothing is recorded. But: employees who do not want to show the code are asked to go home. According to Deloitte, this does not put anyone in front of the block. According to their own words, specialists have assured the company that it is allowed. Mol: “Many of our people are fine with this. We talk to people who have doubts. So far there have been no protests.”

Deloitte is not the only company facing the problem that unvaccinated people threaten the health of colleagues. In other countries, companies can make vaccination mandatory. In the Netherlands, employers are prohibited from requiring employees to be vaccinated. It is allowed to ask whether an employee has been vaccinated, but the employee is not obliged to answer, said Minister De Jonge at a press conference last month. In this way, Deloitte seems to make vaccination a de facto requirement, at least to be allowed to work in the office.

“This is about violating medical privacy,” Kitty Jong, vice-chairman of the FNV trade union, told Nieuwsuur. “Workers’ fundamental rights are at stake.”

Nu.nl reports that since the introduction of the corona pass, more people have been vaccinated. It would mainly concern young adults who need a corona ticket.

In the weeks before the announcement about the corona pass, an average of more than 7,000 prick appointments per day were made. A day after the press conference on 14 September, no fewer than 13,000 appointments were made. Even after that peak, the number of new appointments remained higher than before: up to and including September 26, an average of almost 10,000 people made a prick appointment per day. These were mainly people from the age group 18 to 35 years. In addition, the number of injections taken at the walk-in injection locations, where people can get their first injection without an appointment, also increased.

The number of unvaccinated people aged 12 years and older is approximately 16 percent. Six percent of them are decidedly refusing, the rest are still undecided. RIVM aims for 90 percent of the Dutch population to be vaccinated.

cc-photo: Boss Diet

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