The director of Initial Education, Laura Castro, after the request of the supervisors of the educational institutions for the care of Early Childhood – First Cycle of Zone VII and Zone VIII, managed the delivery of books from the program to the Undersecretariat of Educational Planning “Books to Learn” to the libraries of the state-run Child Development Centers and Kindergartens, which children from 45 days to 3 years old attend free of charge.
Books to Learn
The “Books to Learn” program tends to improve the teaching and learning processes in Initial Education, considering the book as an indispensable instrument that expands the contents and accompanies early experiences, training the future reader, highlighting the importance in the organization of spaces that invite children to the world of literature, a place where adults become mediators of culture.
The material delivered went to the following Child Development Centers
Zone VII, in charge of supervisor Marta Zepeda
“Yagualta,”Los Patitos,” “San Vicente,” “Plumitas,” “Niño Jesús,” “Jazmín de Luna,” “Little Star World,” “Rincón de Hijitus,” “Entre mimos,” “Caminito de Colores,” First steps”, “Barbechitos”, “Children of our land”, “Little seeds of illusions”, “Maria Auxiliadora”, “Enchanted forest”, “Little sun of my land”, “Monigotes y doodles” and “Little ones of the mountain” .
Zone VIII, supervisor María Alicia Roca
“Moonbeam”, “Giant Steps”, “Maria Elena Walsh”, “Hakuna matata”, “A Thousand Smiles”, “Little Giants”, “Little Sweethearts”, “Miraculous Medal”, “Little Corner of Light”, “Little Seeds” of love”, “Little Lights”, “Little Clouds of Albardón”, “Colors”, “Rainbow”, “Little Footprints”, “Little Seeds”, “Happy Giraffe”, “Sweet Little Bee”, “Little Land”, “Planet of Joy”, “Little colorful star”, “Happy face”, “Cuddly hugs” and “Little corner of love”
To Municipal Gardens of Santa Lucía
“Caresses of the Sun I”, “Caresses of the Sun II”, “Rainbow I”, “Rainbows II”, “Doodles”, “My Brave New World”, “Tender Hearts”, “Little Hearts”, “Sweet Mischief” and “Care Bears”
Distribution methodology
A total of 42 books were delivered to each institution, creating a record detailing the titles and authors. In addition, recreational-literary proposals and bibliographic material were provided for consultation. In addition, they advised and accompanied in the organization of the Library of each CDI and Municipal Garden.
2023-11-01 16:13:15
#Books #Learn #arrived #libraries #Child #Development #Centers #Kindergartens