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Delicious and Digestive-Friendly Recipe: Milk-Free and Gluten-Free Pancakes

Not easy to find recipes that help us limit our intestinal disorders. Astrid Romain micronutritionist, knows the subject well and offers you today a recipe for milk-free and gluten-free pancakes. A first !

To improve your digestion, there is no secret. It is necessary to banish certain foods and in particular those which are rich in gluten. A graduate in naturopathy and micronutrition, Astrid Romain knows this subject well. For several years, his goal has been to help people prevent health problems. Food is at the heart of these issues. Today, we invite you to discover his recipe for milk-free and gluten-free pancakes.

I invite you to discover my recipe for very soft, anti-inflammatory pancakes to take care of your health.

On the stove, let’s go!

A healthy and delicious recipe

In addition to being greedy, this recipe is quick and easy to make. To make it, you will need seven ingredients.

Here is the list :

2 eggs 150 milliliters of almond milk 1 sachet of vanilla sugar 125 grams of rice flour 1 teaspoon of sourdough yeast 2 tablespoons of brown sugar Butter for cooking

If I prefer rice flour it’s because it brings a little crispiness to the softness of the pancakes. You should also know that it is rich in fiber. Therefore, it facilitates transit. It is a real asset.

Now let’s get to the preparation:

1. Mix the dry ingredients
2. Add egg yolk and almond milk
3. Whisk the egg whites

Little tip! For your pancakes to be very soft, add the egg whites 30 minutes after letting the preparation rest. According to Astrid Romain: “it’s the secret to having good fluffy pancakes”!

Easy to make and quick, this recipe will be perfect for your snacks at home or at the beach. It will allow you to maintain intestinal well-being and treat yourself with fiber-rich ingredients. And yes, we must not forget that foods rich in fiber promote good intestinal transit. Other solutions exist to limit the appearance of digestive disorders.

The key to good health: food diversification

We know it: a varied diet helps maintain good health and prevent the risk of diseases such as they are (cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes, etc.). According INSERM“many studies have shown the impact of nutritional factors on the occurrence of certain cancers, cardiovascular diseases or even metabolic disorders such as Type 2 diabetes or hypercholesterolemia”. It is therefore important to diversify and vary your diet ; two principles of important food balance because no food contains all the nutrients essential to the proper functioning of our body. Diversifying your diet means ensuring you cover all of your vitamin, mineral salt and trace element needs.

For Astrid Romain, foods rich in gluten and dairy take too much of a place in our diet.

By our habits, we eat gluten every day, even three times a day (bread, pasta, semolina, bulgur, pastries, cupcakes, pasta, etc.). In some people, this diet does not cause concern; for others, it’s a different story…

A reasonable consumption of gluten can be experienced. This allows you to see if an improvement occurs. In intolerant people, “the absorption of gluten generates the production of zonulin which will open the tight junctions of the intestine and reinforce intestinal hyperpermeability”. According to our micronutritionist, in most cases, inflammation is created. To limit this type of problem, it is therefore important to monitor your gluten consumption.

However, as a great gourmet, Astrid Romain always makes sure to preserve as much pleasure as possible so as not to be frustrated. This recipe will allow you to enjoy yourself while limiting your troubles.

Find all the health and nutrition chronicles ofAstrid Romain in the morning show “You are great” available in replay on the platform france.tv.

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