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Delays in Implementation of Life Insurance and Medical Assistance Program in Querétaro Municipality

The Secretary of Human and Social Development of the Municipality of Querétaro, Arturo Torres Gutiérrez, confirmed a five-day delay in the processes of the “Life Insurance and Medical Assistance” program, derived from having integrated more beneficiaries and for not yet finding the health care provider.

Arturo Torres commented that the determination of the health company that would provide services such as general consultations, x-rays, specialties, ambulance transfers, physiotherapy, among other benefits, has not yet been determined.

The first call for tenders was declared void; that is, no company participated; taking into account that last year the Mexican Red Cross gave the service.

“In Medical Assistance services, we are in process. In the first tender it could not be awarded, it was declared deserted; and we are in the second round, which will be ready as of September 13; The ruling will be ready, ”he pointed out.

The official explained that today the list of the 1,783 beneficiaries who will have access to life insurance and funeral expenses of 100,000 and 20,000 pesos respectively will be released; however, this register will only be supported until December 31, 2023.

To deliver the life insurance of 100,000 pesos and the funeral expenses of 20,000 pesos, the winning company of the tender was once again Inbursa.

Torres Gutiérrez said that the nearly 1,958 beneficiaries who registered last year were insured from July 2022 to August 31, 2023.

“It’s not that we’re behind on the insurance part. The insurance expired on August 31. We do the procedures months ago. We are five days late, because people were covered by insurance until August 31, 2023; and five days later we published the list, and thank God no one died, ”he said.

While the 1,783 beneficiaries of this period will be able to seek insurance renewal in January 2023; derived from the fact that there are administrative procedures to comply with, at the end of the fiscal year. For this program, one million 102 thousand pesos were invested.

In the near future, he declared, the delivery of the policies will begin; although as of September 5, those enrolled in the program are already insured.



2023-09-06 10:21:57
#Suffers #delays #application #Life #Insurance #program

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