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Delay in appeal kidnapping Insiya due to blunder OM | Inland

Mother Nadia Rashid looked unmoved. But inside she must have cooked. She has been fighting continuously for six years for the return of her daughter, who is now 8 years old and has been detained in India for all that time. In 2020, Hemani was sentenced to 9 years in prison for kidnapping his daughter at the Amsterdam court. The appeal, even brought by himself, was filed Friday without his presence.

International Arrest Warrant

Several attempts have been made to summon Hemani, who is also subject to an international arrest warrant, to appeal in time. It turns out that mistakes have been made. For example, the Dutch authorities have issued a summons via the Indian authorities, while a summons should be delivered and served. “The summons and subpoena differ only in details,” the solicitor general pointed out, but she also admitted that it is not in accordance with how it is prescribed by law. “The Public Prosecution Service states that the summons should be annulled.

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Insiya has been in India for six years.

Insiya has been in India for six years.


Nadia Rashid wisely decided to keep her mouth shut. Her lawyer Peter Plasman was willing to voice her anger. “This is a drama for my client.” She has not heard any sign of life from her daughter for the past two years. Although Hemani has been instructed to maintain Skype contact with mother, he systematically refuses to do so. Plasman: “Father is cruel. Mother only got a jacket back through father’s lawyer. She had once bought that jacket for her daughter. He’s basically saying ‘what’s yours is yours. Insiya is mine’. She has to live with this kind of bullying.”

Plasman cares about it. “Not only mother is the victim, but also Insiya, because she has been separated from her mother for years. We hope that one day father will realize that contact would also be much better for his daughter.” Plasman said of his client about cutting off the appeal: “I have great admiration for her. In all her grief and hopelessness, she continues to look for opportunities in the legal system to get her daughter back.”

In the victim’s room, Nadia Rashid did not reproach the Public Prosecution Service. It merely asked the Advocates General to act quickly. Plasman: “That means having the correct summons served – and this time checking it – so that we can proceed with the appeal.”

Colleague Gerard Spong, who represents father Shehzad Hemani, asked the Court to refer the kidnapping case back to the court, because a similar mistake was made in the first instance. For the lawsuit in 2020, the suspect would also not have been summoned in the correct way. However, the court did not elaborate on this.

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