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Dehydrated and desperate, koala drink cyclist water

Um koala is being news for having starred a moment that will be both amazing and bleak. Anna Heuseler followed in a group of cyclists in direction Adelaide on Austalialast Friday, the 20th, when he spotted the thirsty animal in the middle of the road.

On a day when temperatures reached 40ºC, the koala was desperate for Water and ran on direction of the group.

In the video shared on social networks you see the animal climbing onto Anna’s bike and drinking from her bottle.

Anna described the moment as “the best thing” that happened to her during a bike ride. Speaking to 7News, he said it was common to see koalas in the bush but was surprised by the reaction this particular one (video in gallery above).

“We’ve seen hundreds of koalas over the years, but we have never seen one like this, “he said, reporting that when they saw him in the middle of the road, the group stopped to pull him out.” I stopped and he walked over to me, got on my bike while giving him Water of the bottles (…) None of us had ever seen anything like it, “he said.

It should be remembered that Australia has been in the throes of major fires that even have affected the population of koalas Of region. According to data released at the beginning of the month of December, more than two thousand koalas lost their lives in the fires in Australia. The country hit, on the 19th and for the second time, the hottest day record with a national average maximum temperature of 41.9 degrees Celsius, informed the weather department.

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