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Définition | Ross – Russian Orbital Space Station – station Ross

Russia, which plans to withdraw from the International Space Station (ISS), the only orbital station in service, represents a major step for the … “data-image =” https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/ buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / d / 3/4 / d34dc1c390_50084100_iss-01.jpg “data-url =” https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/definitions/astronautique-station-spatiale-internationale-2571/ ” data-more = “Read more”>International space station (ISS) from 2025 decided to build its own space station. Provisionally christened Ross (Russian Orbital Space Station), this Russian station project was unveiled in April by Dmitry Rogozin, the head of the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos). This decision was taken after Roscosmos officials ruled that the ISS was at the end of its life and that the dilapidated modules, especially Russian ones, could present a risk to the safety of the crews. A deterioration of the ISS that disputes Thales Alenia Space, who explained it to Futura.

This explanation obviously does not convince Western experts who are of the opinion that the current state of Russian-American relations, which resemble a new cold war, is at the origin of this decision which, if it were to be confirmed , would end a remarkable period of cooperation with the Nasa and the United States. A situation which should lead to greater collaboration with China in the field of exploration and human spaceflight.

This future station will be installed in an orbit different from that of the ISS with an inclination of 97 ° instead of 51.6 °, which will allow total coverage of Russian territory against only 20% by the ISS. The first module will be launched in 2028 by a In general, a launcher consists of several stages (nesting or composite rocket).
Each stage has: • one or two tanks (fuel and oxidizer) or … “data-url =” https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/definitions/univers-lanceur-2059/ “data-more = “Read more”>launcher Angara from the Vostochny Cosmodrome. This is the NEM module (Science and Power Module) which includes one pressurized part and the other not. This module was initially planned to extend the Russian part of the ISS. To adapt it to its new function, one and a half to two years of conversion work is to be expected. He will need to have the ability to control and adjust Ross’s attitude.

A Station that will not be permanently occupied

Initially, the Ross station will consist of four modules with mooring ports and a space exit airlock. An extension of the station is planned for 2030 with in particular a mooring port reserved for a lunar vehicle as well as an external platform.

Unlike the ISS, Ross will not be permanently occupied, but crews of two to four cosmonauts will visit frequently. A first manned mission could take place as early as 2026 to commission the NEM module. A partial occupation which will limit the possibilities of use, in particular for the preparation of manned flights in deep space and biomedical research for example.

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