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Definition | Rash – Skin damage

The rash is a lesion of the skin with or without relief, localized or present over a large area of ​​the body. It can be benign, but a sudden onset and short duration from buttons, redness, or patches (rash cutaneous) can be the first symptom disease or intolerance requiring diagnostic precise and supportive.

The different forms of rash

Classified according to a terminology including morphology primary (plaques, bubbles, pustules), lesion configuration (isolated, in clusters), texture (induration), the location and the Sometimes the color … “data-image =” https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/7/9/5/7951943cc1_85596_couleur.jpg “data-url = “https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/definitions/physique-couleur-4126/” data-more = “Read more”>color, the temporary rash or rash comes in different forms. Other symptoms like itching (urticaria) or desquamation may accompany these manifestations.

Causes of the rash

The factors at the origin of this type of lesions are very diverse. The rash can occur during an infectious disease of bacterial origin (impetigo, cellulite) or viral (measlesThere are two types of herpes simplex virus: hsv1 and hsv2. Their shape and the organization of their deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are similar, 50% of their DNA … “data-url =” https://www.futura-sciences.com/sante/definitions/medecine-herpes- 2486 / “data-more =” Read more “>herpes, varicella, shingles). It has been reported that the infection Covid-19 could be responsible for skin rash type This is a common symptom of allergies with generally mild consequences, although some serious forms can cause complications …. “data-image =” https: //cdn.futura-sciences .com / buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / 5/2/7 / 52745bc1a6_50035237_reaction-allergie-urticaire-woofiegrrl-cc-nd-2.jpg “data-url =” https://www.futura-sciences.com/sante/ definitions / medecine-urticaire-6319 / “data-more =” Read more “>urticaria Where engelure.

It is sometimes the manifestation of a allergy to a poorly tolerated substance (contact dermatoses), a bite of More … “data-image =” https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/c/3/4/c3449c7cc8_49335_def-insecte-mariea-flickr. jpg “data-url =” https://www.futura-sciences.com/planete/definitions/classification-vivant-insecte-2305/ “data-more =” Read more “>INSECT, certain foods, a cosmetic product or a drug.

In the case of urticaria and under the action of a trigger, an excessive release ofhistamine produced by mastocytes from immune system, causes a skin reaction in the form of red patches accompanied by These histamines bind to sensory receptors in nerve fibers in the skin responsible for itching sensations. “data-url =” https://www.futura-sciences.com/sante / definitions / medecine-prurit-6321 / “data-more =” Read the definition “>pruritus.

L’acne, characterized by the appearance of red spots and blackheads, is due to hypersecretion of sebum mainly at the time ofadolescence.

A rash can also be triggered by the stress, exposure to the Physicists qualify heat as thermal energy. In the international system, it is therefore measured in joules (J). The heat corresponds more precisely to a transfer … “data-image =” https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/7/3/5/735709801b_92578_chaleur.jpg “data-url =” https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/definitions/physique-chaleur-15898/ “data-more =” Read more “>heat, au The Sun is the closest star to Earth, from which it is about 150 million kilometers away. The Sun is located 8.5 kparsecs from the center of the Milky Way. In the star classification, the sun is a G2 type star.
La masse…” data-image=”https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/1/d/9/1d9cd1d45f_50034577_eruption.jpg” data-url=”https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/definitions/univers-soleil-3727/” data-more=”Lire la suite”>soleil or cold.

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