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Defense wants 25 billion in purchases, it has no support

He has the support of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš and Deputy Prime Minister Jan Hamáček (ČSSD), but the government in the Chamber of Deputies does not have enough votes for such a budget. The Communists, who otherwise support the ANO and CSSD minority government, are still against it. The SPD, which harshly criticizes modernization military projects, will not pull the thorn out of the government’s heel either.

The Communists are proposing to transfer 10 billion to the government reserve to deal with the epidemic. “We see no reason for some military purchases that do not concern the protection of Czech citizens. For us, people are more than cannons or helicopters, “said the head of the KSČM, Vojtěch Filip.

This year, the army manages 72 billion. It should get 13 billion more next year, ie the mentioned 85 billion. According to the government’s budget outlook, the Ministry of Defense should have a budget of 95 billion crowns in 2022 and 101 billion crowns a year later.

Filip defended the KSČM proposal in the Chamber of Deputies and said that the defense can barely spend 72 billion this year. “And whoever says that not increasing the budget by ten billion will impair the military’s combat capability, he is knowingly lying. It’s nonsense, “said Filip.

SPD boss Tomio Okamura rejects armaments projects because Czech companies will not get anything from the contracts. “In this situation, the government is pouring tens of billions into foreign economies, not to mention the 15 billion into obsolete American helicopters,” Okamura said.

The military is buying new French Ceasar cannons for six billion or American Bell helicopters for 15.6 billion. Next year, he also wants to sign a contract for new BVP for 52 billion crowns. Defense defends purchases by winning 30 to 40 percent of the volume of orders from Czech suppliers.

Babiš does not want to hear about cutting the defense budget: “I have recorded debates about the budget and I firmly believe that he will get the budget he deserves. It urgently needs modern equipment, “said the Prime Minister some time ago.

According to the budget of the Ministry of Defense, 25 billion crowns should go to investments next year. The budget already counts on the first installment of 4.2 billion for 210 infantry fighting vehicles or another installment for helicopters – 2.8 billion.
Metnar defends the budget, saying that a ten-billion cut would stop further modernization of the army. “It would be the end of development for the year, because of the 25 billion, we already have 15 billion under contracts,” Metnar said.

How much should the defense pay for technology

4.2 billion first installment for BVP

2.8 billion more payment for Bell helicopters

1.6 billion for light armored vehicles for chemists

1.7 billion for the rental of gripen

668 million first installment for Toyota Hilux passenger off-road vehicles

600 million installment for the anti-aircraft missile set RBS 70NG

500 million first installment for Ceasar cannons

Source: draft state budget 2021

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