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Defense prepares the Gómez Ulla military hospital in case it is necessary for monkeypox

The Government prepares for any scenario in the crisis of the monkey poxeven for that in which it can reach such a transmission that it is necessary to adapt special facilities for the isolation of the infected. Thus, he has ordered the Ministry of Defence to prepare when before Gómez Ulla Central Defense Hospital Madrid, the same one that welcomed the first infected with the coronavirus who arrived from China. In addition, the Military Pharmacy Center It will take care of the storage of the smallpox vaccine vials that the Government is going to acquire in case it is necessary to start inoculating the population.

In that way, the Gomez Ulla would be one again key piece in Spain’s response to the monkeypox outbreak, which already adds up to thirty cases in Madrid alone and others forty suspectswhich if confirmed would make the outbreak in the capital the largest detected worldwide in recent decades.

The Madrid military hospital has an isolation area specifically designed to treat this type of contagious disease. It has, for example, rooms with a negative pressure system level 4, the highest level of risk that rates the most dangerous and transmissible pathogens. On the 22nd floor of the Gómez Ulla, for example, patients from the ebola outbreak in 2014as well as to first Spaniards repatriated from China in January 2020, when the coronavirus epidemic was decreed in Wuhan.

The activation of the Gómez Ulla would suppose, de facto, a rforceful force of isolation protocols of those infected and their close contacts. Currently, those who have been infected or have been in a situation of risk of contagion have been isolated in are home and have been given some basic instructions, such as avoid contact with pets. Dogs, cats and other domestic animals can become a vector of contagion.

It should be remembered that State security, as revealed this Monday by OKDIARIO, is closely monitoring this ‘strange’ smallpox outbreak of the monkey in case it could be a contagion «no natural»but something deliberately “introduced”. A hypothesis of which there are still no signs but that is not ruled out and is currently under analysis.

In addition, as confirmed by OKDIARIO, the Military Pharmacy Center of the Armed Forces has been commissioned by the Ministry of Defense to take charge of the storage of the vaccine. During the pandemic, its facilities and technical means were reinforced and updated to store vaccines. For example, three large freezer containers for the vials. The Government has already announced the purchase of serum Imvanex, trade name of the smallpox vaccine currently available.


The Community of Madrid records this Monday 34 confirmed cases of infected with monkeypox, another 38 suspects and 3 negatives, according to the latest update from the Ministry of Health.

For its part, the Ministry of Health has already begun the procedures for the purchase of thousands of doses of the smallpox vaccine, but the traditional one, because of the current one there is none. Not even investigated.

The traditional serum would also be useful to stop the current transmission of the virus of monkeypox and would protect 80% from contagion, according to some virologists. However, there is no certainty about it.

The vaccine that the Spanish government is trying to buy is called Imvanex and is manufactured in the Danish laboratory Nordic Bavarian. are youvalidated against traditional smallpox since 2013 after receiving authorization from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The vaccine is not intended to be administered to the population as a whole, but only to contacts of confirmed cases.

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