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Defense of health: the Order of doctors will be alongside the mayors – LinkOristano.it

Defense of health: the Order of doctors will be alongside the mayors
President Sulis supports the proposal made by the Municipal Commission of Oristano

Antonio Sulis

“We believe the role of the mayors is fundamental in taking charge of bringing the requests of our province to the top of the regional administration, so that our hospitals, from San Martino to Mastino di Bosa and Delogu di Ghilarza, have prompt and concrete answers”. The Order of Doctors of Oristano also supports theinitiative of the Health Commission of the chief town, which invited the mayors of the territory to a united battle.

An initiative that the Order considers “useful and indispensable to protect the right to health, as the Constitution commands, of the entire community”. The goal is “to restore an organic organization that brings the entire healthcare facility back to a level of good normality, together with the strengthening of all the local services that are the cornerstone on which the protection, prevention and care of all our user citizens “.

“We have repeatedly highlighted the difficulties and numerous shortcomings of the local health system, especially in this period of emergency caused by the pandemic, which has put a strain on both the hospital sector and the local service”, explains the president of the Order of doctors, Antonio Sulis. “The scarcity of means, professionals and operational personnel has determined the need to suspend care and assistance, a fact which, rightly, has raised the indignation of associations of various types of patients”.

“The system leaks from all sides, both in terms of aids for working safely and in terms of operating personnel,” continues Sulis. “The San Martino hospital shows all its criticality: weakened and impoverished, it found itself facing a situation of gravity and emergency without the human and material resources to better stem the wave of the virus”.

Monday, 21 September 2020

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