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Deepening Regional Cooperation for Overall Development: Medical System Improvement and Rural Revitalization

Deepen regional cooperation to better serve the overall development of the country, improve the medical and health system, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s recent important speeches, important instructions and important letters

Deepen regional cooperation to better serve the overall development of the country

Improve the medical and health system and comprehensively promote rural revitalization

Nobunaga Hoshi hosted and delivered a speech

Intersection News On September 11, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to carefully study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s recent important speeches, important instructions and important letters, study and implement measures; review relevant documents, and further deploy the learning and application of the “Ten Million Project” experience, Construction of rural medical and health system and other work. Provincial Party Committee Secretary Nobunaga Hoshi presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech when he inspected Heilongjiang and presided over a symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era. He pointed out that building a new development pattern is a national game, and we must improve our political stance and focus on deepening the cooperation between Jiangsu and Liaoning. Focus on building a strong agricultural province at a high level, strengthening industrial chains and extending chains, and ensuring energy security, comprehensively deepen mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation with the Northeast region, promote high-quality development in Jiangsu and the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, mutually reinforcing each other, and better Serve the overall development of the country. At the same time, we must conscientiously implement the latest instructions and requirements on thematic education put forward by the General Secretary during his inspection in Heilongjiang, and ensure the connection between the first and second batches of thematic education to ensure tangible results. The meeting learned the spirit of the General Secretary’s important letter to representatives of outstanding teachers across the country, pointing out that strengthening the construction of the teacher team should be regarded as the most important basic work in building a strong education province, vigorously promote the spirit of educators, and support teachers to devote themselves to teaching and educating people. , continue to cultivate socialist builders and successors with comprehensive moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor development, create more talents who can be put to great use and take on important responsibilities, and provide strong support for promoting the new practice of Chinese-style modernization in Jiangsu. The meeting learned the spirit of the important congratulatory letter sent by the General Secretary to the 10th China-Central Asia Cooperation Forum, pointing out that it is necessary to keep “two overall situations” in mind, keep in mind “the great country”, and take the 10th anniversary of the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative as a From a new starting point, we will deepen the construction of the “Belt and Road” intersection, successfully host the China-Europe International Cooperation Forum at a high level, and make new and greater contributions to the high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road”.

The meeting reviewed the “Opinions on Learning and Applying the Experience of the “Ten Million Project” to Accelerate the Construction of a Land of Fish and Rice in the New Era” and emphasized that the “Ten Million Project” is a vivid practical carrier for the in-depth implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition and strategic deployment on promoting agricultural and rural modernization. We must continue to do a good job in learning and application, deeply grasp the standpoints, viewpoints and methods throughout, focus on key tasks such as environmental improvement, rural industry development, rural construction management, institutional innovation and other specific matters such as rural toilet improvement, garbage disposal, sewage treatment and other specific matters, and adhere to Demonstration and guidance, classified guidance, insisting on a steady and steady approach, striving for practical results, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and accelerating the construction of a land of plenty in the new era with strong agriculture, beautiful rural areas, and prosperous farmers.

The meeting reviewed the “Implementation Opinions on Further Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Rural Medical and Health System”, emphasizing that improving the rural medical and health system is the “first line of defense” for the health of farmers, and it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s The spirit of the important speech on promoting the healthy development of rural medical and health care anchors the important requirement of “taking the lead and setting an example”, placing rural medical and health work in an important position, accelerating the expansion and balanced distribution of high-quality medical and health resources in counties, and promoting a downward shift in focus and The sinking of resources will allow farmers to obtain more equitable, accessible, systematic and continuous medical and health services nearby, and promote the construction of a healthy Jiangsu to a new level.

The meeting also reviewed the “Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Beautiful Jiangsu”.

Xinhua Daily·Intersection reporter Huang Wei

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2023-09-11 13:37:00
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