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Decree prohibiting the PSG jersey in Marseille: the prefecture does an about-face

For fear of violence, the prefecture of Bouches-du-Rhône had decided to ban the wearing of the PSG jersey around the Old Port of Marseille on August 23, the evening of the Champions League final… before returning to its decision.

A decree from the Marseille police headquarters, prohibiting the PSG jersey in a perimeter around the Old Port on the evening of August 23, during the Champions League final between the Parisian club and Bayern Munich, has been repealed this Friday, August 21, faced with the “incomprehension” aroused.

Caution remains however in order because the prefecture “urges Parisian supporters who will attend retransmissions of the final in Marseille not to wear ostentatious signs in the public space and to show moderation in their possible celebrations in order not to not be taken to task ”.

The decree in question prohibited, as a safety measure, the “presence of PSG supporters or people presenting themselves as such and behaving as such” around the Old Port, where many bars broadcast the matches, between 3 p.m. and 3 a.m. morning Sunday 23 August.

There is a strong animosity on the part of some Marseillais, supporters or not, towards the PSG team, in contradiction with any sportsmanship

This decision was taken following incidents that had punctuated the broadcast of the semi-final match on August 18 evening. The text of the prefect of police argued in particular “that there is a strong animosity on the part of some Marseillais, supporters or not, towards the PSG team, in contradiction with any sportsmanship”.

On August 18, according to the police headquarters, gatherings of more than 250 people took place in Marseille, giving rise to two attacks on people wearing a Parisian club jersey, and “attempts at intimidation aimed at interrupting the broadcast. Match”. In addition in Paris, violence had targeted the police on the Champs-Elysées on the evening of August 18, on the sidelines of celebrations by PSG supporters of their club’s victory.

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