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Decrease in the number of new cases of COVID-19, over 600,000 are already infected so far

The number of new cases of coronavirus decreased both as an absolute number and as a percentage. 2836 are the newly discovered cases for October 30, and they marked a decrease of 2420 on a daily basis, after on Friday the discovered cases were 5256. 32 588 tests were performed (PCR and antigenic), which are 20 712 less than the reported 53 300 days earlier. The significant increase in research in recent days is explained by the introduced requirement to show a negative test in the absence of a green certificate, which leads to a huge number mainly in antigen tests. Thus, the percentage of positive samples decreases again – from 9.86% to 8.7 percent.

For the day there are 26,387 antigen tests, 1392 are positive, ie. 5.27% positive samples. For comparison, in the previous report there were 44,797 antigen tests, of which 2783 were positive, ie. 6.21%. PCR tests are 6201, positive of which are 1444, ie. 23.28 percent. On Friday, this type of tests were 8503, with positive of them – 2473, ie. 29.08 percent.

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The total confirmed cases of coronavirus in Bulgaria are already 601 035. 2 766 507 PCR and 2 788 551 antigen tests were performed (5 555 058 in total), as the average percentage of positive samples since the beginning of the pandemic is 10.81 percent – a decrease of 0.02% on a daily basis.

The active cases are increasing again and are now 98,948, which is 2151 more than in the previous report. There is also an increase in hospitals, with the number of people there being 7880, which is 200 more (417 were admitted to hospital, 217 were discharged). There are 685 patients accommodated in intensive care units – 9 more on a daily basis. 639 people have recovered and the total number is now 478,169. 46 people have died – 108 less than on Friday, when 154 deaths were reported. Thus, the total number of those who lost the battle with the virus in Bulgaria is already 23,918.

The Ministry of Health has already provided data on the proportion of those infected, hospitalized and deceased who have not been fully vaccinated. During the last 24 hours, 86.42 percent of those who tested positive were not immunized. 87.05 of those admitted to hospital were also unvaccinated. Among the dead for the day 91.3 percent do not have vaccinations.

A total of 15,852 medical personnel are among the official cases of coronavirus, ie. by 36 more. There are 55,856 under quarantine – 10,923 more on a daily basis, and it is noteworthy that the active cases are over 43,000 more than the quarantined persons.

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887.96 is the 14-day incidence per 100,000 people compared to 873.95 the day before. 476.57 is the 7-day value per 100,000 people compared to 484.06 in the previous report. 24.39 is the 14-day mortality rate per 100,000 people compared to 24.35 days earlier.

The single information portal also provides data on the doses of vaccines administered. They are a total of 2,855,224, which means that 23.95% of the country’s population has already received a single dose. People with completed immunization are 1,508,365 or 21.83 percent of the population, and they include 307 674 Jansen vaccines – 3668 per day, which is administered in a single dose. For the last 24 hours there are 7740 vaccines. 2955 are the first dose, 4480 are the second dose and 305 are the third. 17,977 people also received a booster dose, and most of them – 5,607 are in the capital.

Most cases were found again in Sofia – 728, followed by Varna with 328 and Plovdiv with 281. There is no district without new cases, as they are the least in Silistra – 16, and Kardzhali – 17.

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