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Decoration and aromas that celebrate Mexican art

Karina Astorga and Cesar Astorga They undertook interior design to offer unique pieces that honor the richness of Mexican art through Baustudio Home.

Passionate about architecture and decoration They started in 2019 producing Custom furniture for local and national clientswho were requesting complementary decorative items. In view of the Growing demand for authentic accessoriesthe Astorga brothers decided to offer products that highlighted what was made in Mexico, avoiding imported accessories.

“We promote the national product and demonstrate that we have artisans who produce beautiful pieces” Karina Astorga

He marblethe Talavera and the Huichol art became the pillars of their offeringwith a strong focus on quality and exclusive design and tailored to the client.


The foray into the aroma market arose from a comprehensive vision of interior design.

“We want to create a whole experience in a space, both visual and olfactory” César Astorga

With just three months of launch from its Homescents line, decorative candles and homesprays They have been successful in sales due to their unique designs and carefully selected aromas..

  • It has a catalog of gifts for holidays and corporate gifts.
  • Baustudio Home works with workshops and artisans from central and southern Mexico.

Online store: baustudiohome.com Instagram: @baustudiohome

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