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Deconstruction and Dissidents in Democracy –

Dissidents in a time of democracy would have been a political oxymoron until recently, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn‘s thought “Today all dissidents are from the East. There will come a time when they will be from the West’ would sound like a paradoxically embellished emigrant disappointment, but not another of his prophecies. There are dissidents during democracy, when democracy is ideologized (and hence killed) without being observed (separation of powers, all kinds of civil liberties, among which the most important one is freedom of speech).

The dissident is not a revolutionary, nor is he a hooded postmodern protester with a Molotov cocktail in his hand, he is a warrior of the pen and that is where his strength lies. Nikolay Gumilyov has fantastic poems: “They stopped the sun with a word, they destroyed the city with a word.” The dissident can “stop the sun” of the party, the corporation, the government – this is his vocation, to be the oxygen of the society, covered by the politically correct curtain of the convenient media. If there are no dissidents, the effect of “tired of the sun” (“tired by the sun”) appears, if you remember the exquisite film of Nikita Mikhalkov.

A dissident must be a deconstructor of myths, disagreeing with mythological and ideological thinking, which destroys a person’s ability to search, to formulate a theory, to ask questions.

The program “Deconstruction” until today was the different voice, anti-mainstream, with the art irony of Bojan Petrov, on the one hand, with the hard analytics of Kalina Androlova, on the other, and with the softness of social sensitivity, combined with the foresight of a writer of the leading voice Petar Volgin .

From today, the journalists of “Deconstruction” with its ridiculous ban by BNR, CEM and the entire army of the political-bowing (some with their heads, some down to the ground) transitional elite, are becoming the dissidents predicted by Solzhenitsyn – dissidents during democracy. (And this is not the slightly dubious dissidence of “Ekoglasnost” from the dawn of November 10, but an authentic wrong move by the rulers – they create new heroes instead of letting them have a say, which is already part of the media minority and would be just an outlet .)

The fault of “Deconstruction”, the new dissidents, is the different point of view about neoliberalism, the dictatorship of the market, Euro-Atlantic “values”, but above all about Russia. Paradoxically, despite all the efforts of the “psycho-right” (Alexander Simov’s magnificent term) to create their martyrology, there are no dissidents in modern Russia.

The faces of pseudo-dissidents in a demonized Russia are of three types: Pussy the Paradise, unnecessarily harshly punished with two years in prison for the desecration of the Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow, instead of doing community service and being forgotten, however, they were not even fined for their Dionysian performance in the natural history museum before that, which again is telling.

Western society, however, accepted the punk group as fighters against Putinism, the media took care of them, but everything faded away, because the void of talentlessness cannot be filled even with the most helpful media spotlights. However, the new image of the postmodern pseudo-dissident was created – the pussy-dissident, for whom traditional values, Orthodoxy, the concept of “sven” (how much it is already forgotten as a behavior) are the object of ridicule, mockery and an unhygienic (but fortunately unpopular) art installation.

The second type of pseudo-dissident is the “oligarch in disgrace” – Mikhail Khodorkovsky, whom even “Amnesty International” did not recognize as a “prisoner of conscience”, and whose halo of 10 years in prison faded with his assertive experience in the role of the second Berezovsky, prophesying periodically about the coming of the era of “the end of Putin” and so on, a hybrid technique of grant literature.

The third type of pseudo-dissident is the hyperactive blogger who fights corruption (he is also very useful for eliminating competition among corporations) – Alexei Navalny. Navalny is a pseudo-dissident because he accepted the support of the “United Russia” party to run in the mayoral elections in Moscow (his political ceiling), because he was released from power for a negative time, impossibly short in compliance with the court procedure, again in order to succeed to participate in the mayoral campaign. At the same time, A. Navalny’s brother is serving his sentence as a warning and for edification, a classic power combination for the manipulation of political broilers under his care – just in case.

The real oppositionist against Putin, about whom the Western media is silent, and the Russian media shyly and telegraphed only if there are procedural changes, is Sergey Udaltsov, a left-wing National Bolshevik from the party of the writer Eduard Limonov, which so far cannot be accused of conformism with the Kremlin and pays for this despite the meager number of its members. However, the leftist idea is not politically correct either in the West or in Russia, and Udaltsov remains in the shadow of marginal fame despite his dignified (in the sense of consistency) political behavior.

For the neoliberal television channel “Dozhd”, the authorities apply chronic administrative measures to limit comfort, move its building, frequent inspections, but Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev does not hide his weakness for the “optimistic channel” (the eternal game of good cop and bad cop). Radio “Ekho Moskvy”, owned by Gazprommedia, i.e. of the state, is the best example of how the authorities leave a media platform for dissenting political voices, so that there is no tension, but this is the case in Russia, not anymore in Bulgaria.

In our country, during democracy, dissidence begins with Russia, and therefore I will not stop repeating that just as Europe without Russia is not Europe, so Russia without Europe is not Russia, but something else… It will probably be realized at the political level at the last moment (let’s be optimistic, or as Bojan Petrov ends his lyrics “the best is yet to come!”).

For some time, following the tectonic processes in the geopolitical map dangerously close to Bulgaria, I remember, even echoing in my head, a poem by Alexander Blok, written shortly before he died in 1921 (already after the First World War, after the revolutions, in Soviet Russia). Alexander Blok describes a vision worthy of his poetic gift, a vision that is being fulfilled once again today, and I will take the liberty of reminding you of his words:

There is a pillar of fire above the world,

And in every heart, in every thought –

Your own arbitrariness and your own law…

There is a dragon over all of Europe,

Opening his mouth, he languishes with thirst…

Who will strike him?..

Russia will once again strike the dragon, but I hope that at least now she is not alone. The dissidents are the first swallows, but they are not enough… keep them…

#Deconstruction #Dissidents #Democracy

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