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Deconfinement: which trains will run Monday, May 11 in Eure-et-Loir?

“The resumption of economic activities and the relaxation of travel restrictions make it necessary to gradually increase rail traffic,” said SNCF in a press release. Half of the trains will be put back into circulation, with priority during rush hour. “An increase in the number of circulations is envisaged throughout the months of May and June” adds the SNCF.

Trains, coaches, school buses: the Center-Val de Loire Region unveils its transport plan

For the week from Monday 11 to Sunday 17 May, it will be offered:

  • 25% of trains on the lines and Tours-Châteaudun-Paris;
  • 33% of trains on the Tours-Loches, Chartres-Courtalain and Vierzon-Montluçon lines;
  • 40% of trains on the Remi Express Tours-Paris-Austerlitz and Orléans-Paris-Austerlitz line;
  • 66% of trains on the Tours-Poitiers and Orléans-Châteauroux-Limoges lines;
  • 50% of trains on all other lines including Paris-Chartres

In stations

Signage reminding health rules and markings on the ground to respect social distancing will be put in place “from the end of this week” adds the SNCF.

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SNCF announces that a charter entitled “By Train, All Responsible” will be disseminated in stations and trains, to recall measures for the health security of travelers and the call for civic and responsible behavior of its travelers.

Deconfinement: 10 points to remember from government announcements

On the trains

The trains are currently being put back into service. They will be fully cleaned and disinfected and will be cleaned daily, when traffic resumes, when passing through maintenance centers or when parking in terminal stations. SNCF stresses that “special attention will be paid to contact points (armrests, shelves, door knobs, etc.)”.

Map of France of deconfinement: Eure-et-Loir goes green, Yvelines stays in red

In some trains, the doors connecting the cars will be locked in the open position to avoid manipulation. A marking on the seats will “condemn” one seat out of two in order to limit close contact. Access to 1st class will be extended to holders of a 2nd class ticket in order to offer more available seats.

The trains that will run this Monday, May 11

Paris-Chartres-Le Mans line:

Chartres-Voves line:

Chartres-Courtalain line:

Tours-Vendôme-Châteaudun-Voves-Paris line:


In order to allow social distancing and limit the number of passengers on trains, the SNCF advises occasional travelers to favor the purchase of tickets online (www.oui.sncf or www.remi-centrevaldeloire.fr). For travelers who cannot buy online, tickets will also be on sale at the terminals at the station, favoring payment by bank card.

For frequent travelers with a subscription, “a free access coupon will be required as of May 11 to travel on fifty or so potentially very busy trains.”


All information on the transport plan, the conditions of access to the trains and their precise modalities as well as the sanitary measures are available:
_ By display in stations SNCF of the Center – Loire Valley region
_ On the website www.remi-centrevaldeloire.fr § On the website www.ter.sncf.com/centre-val-de-loire
_ On the App “SNCF Assistant”
_ By telephone 0800.83.59.23 (free call)
_ Via Twitter threads @RemiTrain and @RemiTrainPCLM

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