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Déconfinement. The mps frame the restrictions of gatherings

The deputies have box Monday, the restrictions on the rallies, authorized by the bill organizing the output of the state health emergency after the 10 July, to take into account during the examination of the text in the commission of the recent decision of the Council of State.

The highest administrative court has lifted Saturday, the prohibition of gatherings of more than ten persons, imposed in the framework of the state health emergency, thereby restoring the freedom to manifest, in respect of measures barriers intended to combat the coronavirus.

The text, considered in Committee of Laws, provides for a transitional period after the end of the state of emergency on July 10, during which restrictions will remain possible on the movement of people, the reception of the public in certain institutions or gatherings on the public road opposite the covid-19.

Via an amendment LREMmembers have advanced the end of this transitional period to the end of October and not November 10th.

They have also retouched the provision was to allow the Prime minister to limit or prohibit rallies on the public highway as well as meetings of any kind by decree, a measure denounced as liberticidal by the oppositions.

“Respond to concerns “

An amendment of the rapporteur Mary Guévenoux (LREM), intended, according to her, in respond to concerns allows the Prime minister of regulate gatherings and not to restrict or prohibit, with a device to two levels, she explained.

The spontaneous gatherings will not be banned, but will be the subject of a supervision of the number of participants to ensure the respect of the gestures barriers, said the elected Essonne.

For the events reported, they will be subject to a authorisation scheme suitable, detailed and transient in the light of the implementation of measures barriers. The prefect will appreciate the ability of the organizers of the event to enforce these measures barrier.

Other amendments of the rapporteur have pointed out that the transitional measures will have to be taken the only purposes of the fight against the epidemic of covid-19 or provided for the maintenance of the scientific Council until the end of the transitional period.

The bill, passed in the wake by the deputies in the commission, also allows to extend the shelf life of some of the health data collected by health information systems. This text, which in the eyes of the opposition on the right as on the left, constitutes a state of emergency sweetened, will be reviewed Wednesday in the chamber.

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