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Deconfinement. The Calanques National Park reopens this Tuesday. Sport

Closed by prefectural decree due to the health crisis, calanques national park which borders Marseille will reopen on Tuesday, announced its managers.

From June 2, the many Calanques lovers will be able to make their long awaited return to the territory to hike, climb, dive or simply recharge their batteries…, writes in a press release the national park which extends from Marseille to La Ciotat via Cassis.

This return to the Calanques is also good news for many small structures whose economic activities depend on access to the Calanques, he continues calling however to reconnect with nature in quiet mode.

Indeed, puffins, which had taken the habit of nesting on archipelagos in high protection areas, had gathered during confinement on water, observed in late March the president of the park Didier Réault.

Several restrictions provided

Two whales were also filmed by the departmental management of territories and the sea in the waters of the protected park.

The park therefore calls on hikers to stay on authorized trails, to be attentive to noise and to stay away from wildlife so as not to stress animals.

The park also stresses that respect for barrier gestures and dynamic access to beaches must be scrupulously observed.

Sitting, lying down and dogs are prohibited, as are groups of more than ten people. Failure to comply with these provisions may result in fines, he warns.

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