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Déconfinement : The Burgundy and Franche-Comté remains in the red, but we don’t know why

Since the 1st of may, the Bourgogne Franche-Comté is fully classified in red on the map of the déconfinement. A red synonym of déconfinement less rapid. Moreover, the classification in the green permits already the re-opening of parks and gardens, colleges. It will allow the bars and restaurants beginning June 2.

To determine this ranking, 3 criteria have been set. In the region, all of them are yet gone green for more than 10 days. But the region Burgundy Franche-Comté remains irremediably listed in red. It was again the case during the last update, Thursday, may 14.

Over saturation of intensive care

It is the criterion that has long led the standings in red to the region as a whole. With 295 patients received in the icu on April 7, 2020, the Burgundy and Franche-Comté, had its epidemic peak. In normal times, the region is home to a little more than 200 places of resuscitation (212 according to the figures provided by groups of hospital). These supports have therefore been made possible thanks to important shifts in the means.

But for the past 6 weeks, the number of patients admitted to intensive care units has progressively declined. Monday, 18 may, 86 people were treated in these services. The Burgundy Franche-Comté is significantly below the 60% threshold set for ironing board in green. This is the case since the 6 may. However, during the press conference, may 7, and consistently since, the 8 departments of the region have remained classified as red.

In detail, 7 of the 8 departments in burgundy have seen occupancy rates for intensive care units by patients Covid iron under the threshold of 60%. Only the Yonne is an exception but with a small number of places. The health authorities also argued that the capacity of the department of resuscitation evaluate at the regional level.

The movement of the virus is controlled

The virus circulates actively engaged in the region ? To evaluate this second criterion, the health authorities have chosen the number of passages to the emergency room for suspicion of Covid-19. To be classified as green, a department must lie below the threshold of 6% of admissions to the emergency room.

In the 8 departments of burgundy, according to the figures provided by Public Health, Francethis indicator is back to green since week 19 (4 to 10 may).

On may 11, Saône-et-Loire (5.3 per cent), the Yonne (4,49%) and Haute-Saône (4.04 per cent) know of weekly figures the highest. But all were already below the threshold of 6 %. This is the Côte d’or, the Doubs and the Jura that the proportion of patients admitted to the emergency ward for suspected coronavirus is the lowest.

The cumulative weekly figures has not yet been published for the week of 11 to 17 may, but the daily figures have since continued to fall.

All the capabilities of tests to green

It is the third criterion. And for that, all the indicators are green according to the government. From the 11 may, the minister of Health indicated that the testing abilities in each of the departments exceeded 100% of the needs.

Green + green + Green = red ?

So in these conditions how can we explain a classification in red ? On may 8, Peter Pribille, the director of the regional Agency for Health in Burgundy and Franche-comte, believed that the passage of the area in green was “a matter of days “.

Ten days later, while in other regions of green area in the middle school to resume the course, in Burgundy and Franche-Comté, the director of the ARS is still waiting. “The flag that swung our region in the red zone was the occupancy rate of the places of resuscitation, remember Peter Pribille. Since over a week now, this indicator is ironed in the green. It is therefore expected to be a refresh of the map, which restores this new situation. “

The director of the ARS attempts to explain the delay. “This map has not been updated because it is designed to inform the measures that are taken at the beginning of the month of June, so there is still time but it will probably be updated in the days or weeks that come. ” At the beginning of June, the reopening of restaurants and bars for example will be decided on the basis of the classification in red or green in the region.

“Who cares about us ? “ wonder the elect

But for many politicians, it is no longer a question of wait ! The classification of red prevent the reopening of the parks, colleges, but according to them, it also weighs on the ability of a rebound in some economic sectors such as tourism and deter reservations. In the Nièvre, the elected officials, for example, have repeatedly called for a ranking in green in their department, where the epidemic has been much less virulent. Their request was rejected on the grounds of support for regional patients.

But with a region which would have itself been able to spend in green, this time, the tone goes up. “ The Nièvre still in the red, it is making fun of us ?! ” rebels and the senator of Nièvre, Patrice Joly (PS). In a statement released on Friday, may 15 after the last update of the card, he explains. “We were still full of hope in the comments of the Regional Agency of Health (ARS) indicating that the classification in the green of the Nièvre was a matter of days.(…) Disappointment, therefore, to the reading of this card, which continues to question us. “ The parliamentary request explanations as he considers “indispensable “.

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