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Deconfinement, police violence, spread of the coronavirus… We will answer you live.

# Ouest-FranceYouAnswer, it is a Live of information, comments and exchanges punctuated by the questions of the readers and Internet users around the current events, the coronavirus and the measures of deconfinement, but also the police violence, the dismantling of the scaffolding of Notre-Dame. You will also find behind the scenes of the production of information, videos, the dismantling of false information and contents to discover absolutely, homemade manufacturing.

On the menu of the news of this Monday, June 8, the many consequences of phase 2 of deconfinement. The government’s goal is to loosen precautionary measures a little further and support a gradual return to normal. reopening of cafes and restaurants which has been eagerly awaited by the population. The French consumed less alcohol, tobacco, and ate less fat during confinement. Family visits, under certain conditions, are now possible in nursing homes, much to the relief of many families.

The rule limiting travel to 100 km no longer exists, any more than the red departments in France. Only the regions of Mayotte, Guadeloupe and Ile-de-France remain in orange. In hospitals, the pressure on resuscitation services continues to drop. After weeks of closings, the parks and gardens are open all over the territory. The Ségur de la Santé continues. Contaminated caregivers have developed temporary immunity and the Minister of National Education warns that summer 2020 will be “special”.

Finally it is a new habit to take, the wearing of the mask, whether unique or reusable, remains mandatory on trains, subways, buses and planes and could be in many other environments.

“Ouest-France answers you”, what is it?

This section is launched to answer the many questions you are currently asking about the coronavirus, deconfinement but not only. A real space for dialogue between readers and the editorial staff, Ouest-France also responds to other news such as police violence, the American presidential election, municipal elections. The Ouest-France editorial team intends to put its skills, networks and knowledge of current affairs at the service of its readers to help you in your daily life. We will try to bring you the most relevant answers, supported by credible and verified sources, daily, in the newspaper and on the website in a dedicated space. Are you interested in our editorial choices, behind the scenes of information? Start the dialogue! How to request the writing on the subjects which concern you or question you? Do not hesitate to ask us! How? ‘Or’ What ?

By email: Ouest-France.vous.repond@ouest-france.fr By mail; mail from readers, Ouest-France, 35051 Rennes CEDEX 9, On our La Place subscriber area On Facebook and Twitter social networks with the hashtag #ouestfrancevousrepond The editorial staff will do everything in their power to provide you with the answers, on our website, section # OuestFranceVousReply or at the end of the newspaper in the section Mail of the readers.

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