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Deconfinement in the Allier: what you need to know

After fifty-five days of confinement, this Monday is the start of the deconfinement plan, unveiled on May 7 by Prime Minister Édouard Philippe.
But despite the fact that the Allier is one of the sixty-nine departments in the “green zone”, it will gradually return to normal. In the meantime, the Bourbonnais will have to deal with new rules every day.

However, these measures are likely to become lighter and tougher, as the Covid-19 pandemic evolves.


Is wearing a mask now compulsory?

In some cases, yes. Teachers will therefore have to wear a protective mask, just like middle school students, early childhood staff and all employees who cannot respect social distancing from their colleagues. Merchants can also “make access to their store conditional on wearing a mask”, said Edouard Philippe during his speech.

A prudent and gradual deconfinement for the Allier departmental council

Will all markets reopen?

Since Allier is listed in green, markets can reopen there, unless the prefecture decides otherwise. They must nevertheless respect the health rules in force and adapt their organization.

Will places of worship again welcome the public?

If they are allowed to stay open, “It would be reasonable not to organize a ceremony before at least June 2”, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said when presenting the deconfinement plan.

Will the recycling centers reopen?

All recycling centers in the Allier reopened to the public on Monday. However, users can only go there by appointment.

The Sictom of the Montluçonnaise region recommend making an appointment on the internet, at www.rdv-decheterie.fr. With regard to recycling centers in Sictom Nord-Allier, appointments can only be made by phone at The Sictom Sud-Allier has, for its part, set up a telephone number for each of its five recycling centers. The full list is available on his Facebook page.


What provisions in public transport?

Here again, wearing a mask is compulsory for all passengers over the age of 10. In the event of an offense, the offender will be fined 135 euros. In addition, the sale of tickets inside transport is suspended.

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What about rail transportation?

Closed since March 17, Montluçon station should reopen on Monday. Train traffic at the departure and arrival of Allier stations will be higher from 11 May, although the SNCF announces, for the moment, only 35% of TER in circulation, with a possible “ramp-up if the situation allows it”. Note that the presentation of an access coupon, in addition to the ticket, is now mandatory to board most of the trains.

Leisure and culture

Can we go to the forest?

The forests of the Allier are once again open to the public. However, the National Forest Office (ONF) Berry-Bourbonnais draws attention to the “particular sensitivity of wildlife” in the Tronçais forest. “We will have to be extra careful to avoid hitting a deer or deer who are no longer used to the danger of the road for their movements,” said the NFB press release.

What sports activities are allowed?

Despite the deconfinement, the list of proscribed sports remains long. Thus, if the practice of cycling, jogging and outdoor sports is authorized – provided that the rules of social distancing are respected – collective, contact or indoor sports remain prohibited.

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Is it possible to go to gardens, parks and near water bodies?

The Allier being in the “green zone”, the parks and gardens will be able to reopen their doors. However, the question of lakes and water bodies will be resolved on a case-by-case basis.

What about museums?

During his speech, the Prime Minister indicated that “small museums” were authorized to reopen their doors from May 11, without however specifying the gauge.

Sid Benahmed

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