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Deconfinement. France finally finds greater freedom

Much like the weather forecast for the next day is each evening, the new map of green and red regions was eagerly awaited this Thursday afternoon. Starting with the inhabitants of Ile-de-France, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Grand Est, Hauts-de-France, Mayotte and Guyana. Will they always remain in very supervised deconfinement? Or be able to benefit, finally, from a wider freedom?

The verdict quickly fell. The Prime Minister pronounced it at the opening of the presentation of act 2 of the deconfinement. As of Tuesday June 2, all lights will be green, except for Ile de France, Mayotte and Guyana changing to orange now. The news is pretty good , announces Édouard Philippe. Direct consequences: schools will be able to accommodate more students. The – binding – limit of travel to 100 km will be lifted everywhere. The parks and gardens will also be freely accessible everywhere. As for bars and restaurants, they will finally reopen, but under conditions in Paris. Flat: gatherings of more than ten people remain prohibited in public space, until June 21 at least. Teleworking is still recommended.

Cautious optimism

The general tone is therefore rather a renewal of optimism. The virus circulates more slowly. Less than 2% of people performing a virological test are positive. There is also less tension in hospital services than in early spring. We are a little better than where we hoped to be. It’s the result of French civic spirit , rejoices the Prime Minister.

However, the coronavirus is still very present, to varying degrees, on French territory. Regularly, more or less extensive contamination zones arise in the departments. Vigilance is obviously essential. We are constantly monitoring the situation in the departments , says Olivier Véran, Minister of Health. If alert thresholds were to be crossed, measures would be taken quickly, sheltering vulnerable people and restricting movement.

As the evolution of the epidemic is difficult to predict over the next few months, the government therefore encourages strict compliance with barrier gestures, the limitation of contact, and the regular wearing of masks. At the request of local elected representatives, and with prefectural authorization, this individual protection may also be imposed in public places , announces Édouard Philippe. The head of government also asks the French to watch out for any relaxation. “ If it is possible to postpone a distant trip, it is more reasonable. Let us remain meticulous to protect ourselves and others. ”The Prime Minister plans to take stock of the situation in three weeks. It will discuss the reopening of the stadiums. Even if the moment does not seem yet come for the resumption of the football championship.

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